Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information Technology Programme description

Programme name, Norwegian
Bachelorstudium i informasjonsteknologi
Valid from
2024 FALL
ECTS credits
180 ECTS credits
6 semesters
Here you can find an example schedule for first year students.
Programme history


This programme description was prepared by OsloMet pursuant to the Norwegian Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, which was adopted by the Ministry of Education and Research on 20 March and 15 December 2011. It provides an overview of the overall learning outcomes defined in terms of the knowledge, skills and general competence candidates are expected to have achieved after completing the education.

The Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Information Technology provides a basic, broad and professions-related education in information technology, focusing in particular on programming, software, system and application development. The programme also comprises system-oriented and technical engineering courses. Of all the computer science programmes at OsloMet, this is the one that provides the most comprehensive education in computer science, since all the courses on the programme are directly related to IT. The programme qualifies students for a number of computer science jobs in private and public enterprises, such as programming, software engineering, consultancy services, system operation, user support and user training. The programme also forms a good basis for entrepreneurship and innovative activities. Furthermore, it qualifies students for further education in information technology at master’s degree level at universities and university colleges, for example the master programme Applied Computer and Information Technology (ACIT) at OsloMet.

It is a full-time three-year programme, and candidates who complete the programme earn 180 credits and are awarded the degree Bachelor of Information Technology.

Target group

The target group is first and foremost students who want a broad, solid and practical education in information technology and who want to work in the area of data processing and information technology.

Admission requirements

The Higher Education Entrance Qualification/prior learning and work experience + Mathematics (R1 or S1+ S2).

Reference is made to the Regulations concerning Admission to Higher Education, https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2005-04-01-15?q=forskrift_opptak_høyere_utdanning

Learning outcomes

After completing and passing the three-year bachelor’s degree programme in Information Technology, the candidate is expected to have achieved the following overall learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The candidate:

  • has broad knowledge of information technology, problem-solving, software development and interfaces, and is familiar with the principles for developing computer systems and computer networks
  • has knowledge of computer-based mathematics and other basic topics and is able to use them in other relevant and computer-related areas
  • has knowledge of the history of technology, technology development, the role of the technologist in society, relevant legal regulations related to the use of computer technology and software and has knowledge of various consequences in the use of information technology
  • has knowledge of research and development work in the field, as well as relevant methods and working methods​


The candidate:

  • is capable of applying knowledge and relevant results from research and development work to solve advanced theoretical, technical and practical problems in the field of information technology and justify their choices
  • master methods and tools as the basis for systematic, targeted and innovative work. This includes the skills to
  • * use operating systems, system software and networks
  • * prepare requirements and model, develop, integrate and evaluate computer systems
  • * use programming tools and system development environment
  • * design and implement universally designed human-computer interaction in collaboration with users
  • is capable of identifying, analyzing, planning and executing information technology tasks and projects of different types both independently and in a group
  • is capable of programming in multiple programming languages ​​
  • is capable of performing requirements analysis and creating user interface solutions that meet the users' wishes and needs
  • is capable of finding, evaluating, using and referring to information and subject matter and prepare this so that it illuminates a problem. This includes to
  • * Search for professional literature and critically evaluate the quality of the source
  • * set up literature references according to the current template
  • is capable of contributing to innovation and entrepreneurship through participation in the development and realization of sustainable and socially beneficial products, systems and / or solutions that incorporate information technology

General competence

The candidate:

  • has insight into environmental, health, social and economic consequences of products and solutions within their field of study and can put these in an ethical and life-cycle perspective
  • is able to disseminate knowledge about information technology to different target groups in writing and orally in Norwegian and English, and can help to highlight the significance and consequences of this technology
  • is able to reflect on their own professional practice, also in teams and in a multidisciplinary context and can adapt this to the relevant work situation
  • is able to contribute to the development of good practice by participating in professional discussions in the field and sharing their knowledge and experiences with others
  • has information literacy; know why to search for quality assured sources of knowledge, why to refer to sources and know what is defined as plagiarism and cheating in student work
  • can update their knowledge through literature studies, information retrieval, contact with academic environments and user groups and through experience

Content and structure

The programme consists of individual courses with a scope of 10 credits and a final bachelor’s thesis with a scope of 20 credits – making up a total of 180 credits.

The tables in Chapter 9 show the order in which the courses are taught. It is an advantage, but not a requirement, that the students take the courses in this order. The course descriptions indicate whether a course builds on the content of one or more other courses.

Elective courses

Elective courses can be courses created especially for this purpose or compulsory courses from the bachelor’s degree programmes in Applied Computer Technology and Software Engineering, which are available if there are vacant places. A sufficient number of interested students and necessary capacity and teaching resources in the department are required to set up special elective courses. The faculty cannot guarantee that all elective courses and combinations from other study programmes are possible, because courses may have the same lecture times and exam dates.

An information meeting on available elective courses is normally held at the start of each semester.

If an elective course has a limited number of places, students will have to apply for admission to the course. Detailed information about such admission will be provided at the information meeting on elective courses.

Students who have either failed (F) or had valid grounds for absence (medical certificate) at an earlier ordinary exam in an elective course and who wish to retake the course as part of their bachelor’s degree the next year are guaranteed a place on the course (provided that the course is available). They must contact the Section for Academic Affairs before the semester registration starts to be guaranteed a place.

Elective courses for academic year 2022-2023

4. semester

DAFE1000 Matematikk 1000 (*)

ADSE1310 Internet of Things

ADSE3200 Visualisering

ADTS2310 Testing av programvare

DAVE3605 Effektiv kode med C og C++

DAVE3615 Programvarearkitektur og rammeverk

5. semester

DAVE3600 Apputvikling

ADTS3100 Universell utforming for IT

TEK3800 Teknologiledelse

DAVE3710 Akademisk engelsk

DATA3800 Introduksjon til kunstig intelligens

TKDF1000 Tverrfaglig prosjektarbeid (this course is not given 2022/23)

6. semester

DAFE1000 Matematikk 1000 (*)

ADSE1310 Internet of Things

ADSE3200 Visualisering

ADTS2310 Testing av programvare

DAVE3605 Effektiv kode med C og C++

DAVE3610 Nettverks- og systemadministrasjon

DAVE3615 Programvarearkitektur og rammeverk

2-6. semester

DAVE3710 Praktisk IT-prosjekt

DAVE3720 Samfunnskontaktprosjekt

DAVE3730 Introduksjon til IT-forskning

DAVE3740 IT-innovasjons- og entreprenørskapsprosjekt

DAVE3750 Anvendt kunstig intelligens og data science prosjekt

DAVE3760 Utvidet / virtuell virkelighet prosjekt

DAVE3770 Helseteknologi-prosjekt

DATA3780 Anvendt blockchain-teknologiprosjekt

DATA3790 Personvern- og identitetsteknologiprosjekt

(*) Forutsetter R1 + R2 eller tilsvarende

Optional course Spans multiple semesters

1st year of study

1. semester

2. semester

2nd year of study

3. semester

3rd year of study

5. semester

6. semester

Teaching and learning methods

The work and teaching methods will vary from course to course, but will often build on problem-based teaching and learning. The students will work continuously on solving problems, assignments and developing projects of different kinds. Computers, tablets, mobile phones, the internet, the web and other electronic channels and units are used systematically for learning, dissemination, guidance, development and communication purposes.

Lectures, exercises with individual and group supervision, coursework requirements (compulsory assignments), group projects, contact with the business community (including guest lectures) and self-study will be used.

The programme concludes with an extensive, independent and practical bachelor’s thesis that is normally an assignment from a commercial client.

The course descriptions for the individual courses contain details about the work and teaching methods used on the courses. In addition, a teaching plan containing a progress schedule, reading list, deadlines for submitting required coursework and information about teaching and exercises will be drawn up at the start of the semester.


Information technology is an international subject area. Most of the course literature is in English, and most of the systems, work tools and development environments use English as their working language. Some of the teaching may be in English. The individual course descriptions will state the courses this concerns. The students will thereby gain experience and knowledge of both general and computer-related English.

The programme does not contain special courses with multicultural or general international perspectives. The students are a diverse group as regards their ethnic and cultural backgrounds, however. This means that the students will gain experience of cooperating across cultural and language barriers.

The programme is adapted for internationalisation in that the students can take courses abroad, mainly from the fourth semester. See https://student.oslomet.no/retningslinjer-sensorer

In addition, OsloMet collaborates with institutions in several European countries on an English-language course called European Project Semester (EPS). It is worth 30 credits and is mainly intended for incoming exchange students, but can also be relevant for OsloMet’s own third-year students in the sixth semester. Admission to the course is based on individual application.

Work requirements

Required coursework means compulsory assignments/activities that must be approved by a given deadline in order for students to be able to sit the exam. Coursework can be written work, project work, oral presentations, lab courses, compulsory attendance at lectures etc. Required coursework can be done individually or in groups.

Required coursework is intended to ensure the students’ progress and development and that they participate in necessary elements of the programme. Coursework requirements can also be set to ensure that students achieve a learning outcome that cannot be tested in an exam.

The number and type of coursework requirements, the rules for meeting the coursework requirements, deadlines and other details are set out in the course descriptions and teaching plans that are announced at the start of the semester.

Previously approved coursework can be valid for two years after it is approved, provided that the course has not changed.

Required coursework is assessed as ‘approved’ or ‘not approved’.

Not approved coursework

Valid absence documented by, for example, a medical certificate does not exempt students from meeting the coursework requirements. Students who have valid grounds for absence, or who have submitted coursework that is not approved, should as far as possible be given a new chance to resubmit it before the exam. This must be agreed with the lecturer in question on a case-to-case basis. If another attempt at meeting a coursework requirement is not possible because of the nature of the subject/course, the student must be prepared to meet the coursework requirement on the first possible occasion. This can result in delayed progress in the programme.


The examination regulations are specified in the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges and the Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations at OsloMet and the National Curriculum Regulations for Engineering Education. See OsloMet’s website www.oslomet.no

Oral and practical exams are assessed by two examiners, as the exams results cannot be appealed. Formal errors can nonetheless be appealed.

One overall grade is given for the portfolio. It is only possible to appeal the exam result for the portfolio assessment as a whole. Any information provided about weighting is only considered additional information in relation to the final grade. If parts of the portfolio contain elements such as an oral presentation, practical assignments etc., the exam result cannot be appealed. The rules concerning right of appeal are described in each individual course description.

Exams that are only assessed by internal examiners shall be regularly selected for external assessment.


The grades pass/fail or a grade scale with grades from A to E for pass and F for fail are used for exam assessment.

Prerequisite knowledge and study progress

Prerequisite knowledge over and above the admission requirements are described in the course descriptions.

Even if no specific requirements for prior knowledge are defined, the students should take courses worth at least 50 credits each year to be able to complete the programme within the nominal length of study.

  • From the first to the second year of the programme – courses worth 50 credits should be completed
  • From the first and second years to the third year of the programme – courses worth 100 credits should be completed

Students must be registered in the third year of the programme and have completed at least 100 credits from the first and second years of the programme by 1 October, before they can write their bachelor’s thesis.

Programme supervisor scheme

The programme supervisor scheme is part of the quality assurance of each individual study programme. A programme supervisor is not an examiner, but someone who supervises the quality of the study programmes. All study programmes at OsloMet shall be subject to supervision by a programme supervisor, but there are different ways of practising the scheme. Reference is made to the Guidelines for Appointment and Use of Examiners at OsloMet: https://student.oslomet.no/retningslinjer-sensorer

Rescheduled/resit exams

Students must register for resit/rescheduled exams themselves. Resit/rescheduled exams are normally organised together early in the following semester. Resit exams are for students who have taken the exam and failed. Rescheduled exams are for students who did not take the ordinary exam. The conditions for taking resit/rescheduled exams are set out in the Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations at OsloMet.


The final assessment for each course is included on the diploma for the Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering. The title of the bachelor’s thesis will also be included on the diploma.

Other information

he purpose of OsloMet’s quality assurance system is to strengthen students’ learning outcomes and development by raising the quality at all levels. OsloMet wishes to cooperate with the students, and their participation in quality assurance work is crucial. The overall goals for the quality assurance system include:

  • ensuring that the educational activities, including practical training and the learning and study environment, maintain a high level of quality
  • ensuring that the study programmes are relevant to the professional fields
  • ensuring that the quality continues to improve

For the students, this entails, among other things, student evaluations:

  • course evaluations
  • annual student surveys for all of OsloMet

More information about the quality assurance system is available here: https://student.oslomet.no/regelverk#etablering-studium-evaluering-kvalitetssystem