Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering Programme description

Programme name, Norwegian
Bachelorstudium i ingeniørfag - maskin
Valid from
2024 FALL
ECTS credits
180 ECTS credits
6 semesters
Here you can find an example schedule for first year students.
Programme history


This programme description was prepared by OsloMet pursuant to the National Curriculum Regulations for Engineering Education, adopted by the Ministry of Education on 18 Mai 2018.

The Norwegian Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, which was adopted by the Ministry of Education and Research on 20 March 2009, provides an overview of the overall learning outcomes defined in terms of the knowledge, skills and general competence candidates are expected to have achieved after completing the education. The learning outcomes described in the programme description have been prepared in accordance with the National Curriculum Regulations and the Qualifications Framework.

The Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering has two programme option:

  • Construction and Design
  • Mechatronics

The study programme is based on a sound foundation comprising relevant mathematics and other natural science and social science courses, and it provides a good basis for different positions in both the private and public sector. Mechanical engineers work in the workshop industry, process industry, engineering companies and consultancy firms, for manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, in shipping companies and oil companies.

The students will acquire good knowledge of basic engineering subjects to create a sound platform for developing their own knowledge and skills over the course of an interesting and creative career.

Through collaboration with the industry, the mechanical engineering programme seeks to stay at the forefront of developments with regard to the use of computer-based methods and tools. Among other things, 3D modelling and rapid prototyping are actively used in teaching. Together with an industry-oriented composition of courses, this will enable our graduate engineers to solve the tasks expected of a modern-day mechanical engineer.

Continuous efforts are made to ensure the programme is up to date. The tuition is research-based and is revised annually to be able to meet the industry’s expectations of a newly graduated engineer.

Mechanical Engineering is a three-year, full-time programme, and candidates who complete the programme will be awarded the degree Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.

Target group

The programme is aimed at applicants who have a background in natural science and wish to take higher education in an engineering field. Applicants without a natural science background can apply for admission to OsloMet's introductory course to qualify for the engineering programmes. See OsloMet’s website: www.oslomet.no/

Admission requirements

The Higher Education Entrance Qualification/prior learning and work experience and Mathematics R1+R2 and Physics 1. An introductory course or qualifications from a technical college under previous systems are sufficient to meet the qualification requirements. Applicants with qualifications from a technical college pursuant to the Act relating to Tertiary Vocational Education (2003) only need to take Mathematics R1+R2 and Physics 1.

Reference is made to the Regulations concerning Admission to Higher Education,https://lovdata.no/dokument/SF/forskrift/2017-01-06-13

Learning outcomes

After completing and passing the three-year bachelor’s degree programme in Mechanical Engineering, the candidate is expected to have achieved the following overall learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The candidate:

  • has basic knowledge of construction and/or production, materials and knowledge of overall system and product development. The candidate has knowledge that contributes to relevant specialisation, breadth or depth in the field.
  • has basic knowledge of mathematics, natural science and relevant social science and economics subjects and how they are integrated in system and product development, construction and production
  • has knowledge of the history and development of mechanical engineering and the role of engineers in society
  • has knowledge of the consequences of developing and using technology
  • is familiar with research and development work, relevant methodology and work methods in the field
  • is capable of updating their knowledge in the field by collecting information and through contact with professional environments and practical work


The candidate:

  • is capable of applying knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and technology subjects to formulate, specify, plan and solve technical problems in a well-founded and systematic way
  • masters development methodology, and knows how to use modelling/simulation programs and how to realise solutions and systems
  • is capable of identifying, planning and implementing projects, experiments and simulations, and of analysing, interpreting and using acquired data, both independently and in teams
  • is capable of finding, assessing and utilising technical expertise in a critical manner in the field of mechanical engineering, and of presenting such knowledge so that it sheds light on an issue, both orally and in writing
  • is capable of contributing to fresh thinking, innovation, quality management and entrepreneurship through the development and realisation of sustainable products, systems and/or solutions that benefit society

General competence

The candidate:

  • has insight into the environmental, health-related, social and financial impacts of products and solutions in the discipline and can apply ethical and lifecycle perspectives
  • is capable of communicating engineering knowledge to different target groups both orally and in writing, and has the ability to illustrate the importance and impacts of technology
  • is capable of reflecting on their own professional practice, including in teams and interdisciplinary contexts, and is able to adapt the practice to the work situation
  • is capable of contributing to the development of good practice by participating in professional discussions in the field of mechanical engineering and by sharing knowledge and experience with others

Content and structure

The programme consists of courses that lead up to an exam. Each course is worth at least 10 credits.

In order to be awarded the degree Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, the candidate must have passed at least 180 credits consisting of the following groups of courses, cf. the National Curriculum Regulations:

Common courses (C), 30 credits – basic mathematics, systems perspectives on engineering and an introduction to professional engineering practice and work methods. The common courses are common to all study programmes.

Programme courses (P), 50-70 credits – technical subjects, natural science subjects and social science subjects. Programme courses are common to all programme options in a study programme

Technical specialisation courses (TS), 50-70 credits – courses that provide a clear specialisation in the student’s engineering field and that are based on programme courses and common courses

Elective courses, 30 credits (E) – provide breadth or depth in the professional specialisation..

Prerequisite knowledge is required to take some of the courses, meaning that students must have passed the exam in a particular course. Any prerequisite knowledge requirements are described in the course description.

Elective courses

Students choose two of the three mechanical engineering courses available in the fifth semester. Students choose between the mechanical engineering courses or Mathematics 3000. If a student wants to take another course, this must be approved by the mechanical engineering programme

The choice of topic for the bachelor’s thesis is related to the choice of elective courses. Start-up is dependent on a sufficient number of students registering for a course.

Electives for the 2022-2023:

Field of study: Construction and design

5. semester

MAVE3600 Prosess and Piping Design

DAVE3710 Academic English

DAVE3700 Mathematics 3000

MEK3100 Programming 2

TKDF1000 Interdisciplinary Project Work (this course is not given 2022/23)

6. semester

DAVE3705 Mathematics 4000 (*)

Studieretning: Mechatronics

5. semester

ELI3600 Industrial Communications Systems

ELVE3600 Cybernetics II

DAVE3710 Academic English

DAVE3700 Mathematics 3000

MEK3100 Programming 2

TKDF1000 Interdiscplinary Project Work

6. semester

DAVE3705 Mathematics 4000 (*)

Optional course Spans multiple semesters

1st year of study

1. semester

2. semester

2nd year of study

3. semester

Studieretning: Konstruksjon og design

Studieretning: Mekatronikk

4. semester

3rd year of study

Studieretning: Konstruksjon og design

5. semester

6. semester

Studieretning: Mekatronikk

5. semester

6. semester

Teaching and learning methods

See the respective course descriptions for more detailed information about work methods, reading lists, assessment and exam aids. As indicated there, lectures, exercises, laboratory work, supervision and other teaching methods will be used to a varying extent in the different courses.

A course description is provided for each individual course. Before the programme starts, the person responsible for the course will prepare a detailed teaching plan for the course that will contain a reading list, a progress schedule, detailed information about exercise schedules and coursework requirements with applicable deadlines etc.

Special emphasis will be placed on the students acquiring a high level of engineering expertise and creativity. The mechanical engineering programme emphasises expertise and a professional attitude in the following courses and subject areas:

  • Mathematical and natural science courses that form the basis for all engineering work
  • Professional work methods in the mechanical subject areas relating to the design of new products and systems, choice of materials and analyses
  • Creativity, communication, leadership and collaborative skills, and the ability to take social and societal responsibility
  • ICT as a tool for developing and maintaining a high level of expertise in the field
  • Healthy attitudes to the ecological, societal and financial consequences of applying technology that should pervade all their future activities as engineers
  • The ability to work efficiently and independently
  • Initiative, leadership qualities
  • The ability to plan and carry out tasks independently and in projects
  • Rising to challenges
  • Self-management, orderliness, keeping appointments
  • Ethics – ‘doing the right thing even if no one sees you’
  • Quality assurance of work and solutions


The engineering programme is adapted for internationalisation in that the students can take courses abroad, mainly from the fourth semester. See https://student.oslomet.no/retningslinjer-sensorer

In addition, OsloMet collaborates with institutions in several European countries on an English-language course called European Project Semester (EPS). It is worth 30 credits and is mainly intended for incoming exchange students, but can also be relevant for OsloMet’s own third-year students in the sixth semester. Admission to the course is based on individual application.

Engineering is an international field. Much of the course literature is in English, and several of the systems and work tools use English as their working language. Some of the teaching may be in English. The individual course descriptions will state which courses this concerns. These courses will give the students good experience and knowledge of English engineering terminology.

Work requirements

Required coursework means compulsory assignments/activities that must be approved by a given deadline in order for students to be able to sit the exam. Coursework can be written work, project work, oral presentations, lab courses, compulsory attendance at lectures etc. Required coursework can be done individually or in groups.

The required coursework is intended to ensure the students’ progress and development and that they participate in necessary elements of the programme. Coursework requirements can also be set to ensure that students achieve a learning outcome that cannot be tested in an exam.

Previously approved coursework can be valid for two years after it is approved, provided that the course has not changed.

Required coursework is assessed as ‘approved’ or ‘not approved’.

The coursework requirements for each course are described in the course description. The number and type of coursework requirements, the rules for meeting the coursework requirements, deadlines and other details are set out in the course descriptions and teaching plans that are announced at the start of the semester.

Not approved coursework

Valid absence documented by, for example, a medical certificate does not exempt students from meeting the coursework requirements. Students who have valid grounds for absence, or who have submitted coursework that is not approved, should as far as possible be given a new chance to resubmit it before the exam. This must be agreed with the lecturer in question on a case-to-case basis. If another attempt at meeting a coursework requirement is not possible because of the nature of the subject/course, the student must be prepared to meet the coursework requirement on the next possible occasion. This can result in delayed progress in the programme.


The examination regulations are specified in the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges and the Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations at OsloMet. See OsloMet’s website www.oslomet.no

Oral and practical exams are assessed by two examiners, as these forms of exams cannot be appealed. Formal errors can nonetheless be appealed.

One overall grade is given for the portfolio.

It is only possible to appeal the exam result for the portfolio assessment as a whole. Any information provided about weighting is only considered additional information in relation to the final grade. If parts of the portfolio contain elements such as an oral presentation, practical assignments etc., the exam result cannot be appealed. The rules concerning right of appeal are described in each individual course description.

Exams that are only assessed by internal examiners shall be regularly selected for external assessment.


The grades pass/fail or a grade scale with grades from A to E for pass and F for fail are used for exam grades.

Prerequisite knowledge and study progress

Prerequisite knowledge is described in the course descriptions.

Even if no specific requirements for prior knowledge are defined, the students should take courses worth at least 50 credits each year to be able to complete the programme within the nominal length of study.

  • From the first to the second year of the programme – courses worth 50 credits should be completed
  • From the first and second years to the third year of the programme – courses worth 100 credits should be completed

Students must be registered in the third year and have completed at least 100 credits from the first and second years of the programme by 1 October before they can be assigned a topic for their bachelor’s thesis.

Programme supervisor scheme

Programme supervision is part of the quality assurance of each individual study programme. A programme supervisor is not an examiner, but someone who supervises the quality of the study programmes. All study programmes at OsloMet shall be supervised by a programme supervisor, but there is leeway to practise the system in different ways. Reference is made to the Guidelines for Appointment and Use of Examiners at OsloMet: https://student.oslomet.no/retningslinjer-sensorer

Rescheduled/resit exams

Students must register for resit/rescheduled exams themselves. Resits/rescheduled exams are normally organised together early in the following semester. Resit exams are for students who have taken the exam and failed. Rescheduled exams are for students who did not take the regular exam. The conditions for taking resit/rescheduled exams are set out in the Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations at OsloMet.


The final assessment for each course will be included on the diploma for the Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, and the title of the bachelor’s thesis shall be stated.

Other information

The purpose of OsloMet’s quality assurance system is to improve the students’ learning outcomes and development by raising quality at all levels. OsloMet wishes to cooperate with the students, and their participation in the quality assurance work is crucial. The overriding goals for the quality assurance system include:

  • to ensure a high level of quality in educational activities, including practical training and the learning and study environment
  • to ensure that the study programmes are relevant to the professional fields
  • to ensure that the quality continues to improve

For the students, this entails, among other things, student evaluations:

  • course evaluations
  • annual student surveys for all of OsloMet

More information about the quality assurance system is available here: https://student.oslomet.no/regelverk#etablering-studium-evaluering-kvalitetssystem