MAPE1300 Statics and Introduction to Solid Mechanics Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Statikk og Fasthetslære
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2024
Course history


Classical mechanics provides a foundation for the construction of mechanical components. The course deals with statics and mechanics of materials, i.e. how forces are handled in structures and how these are analysed and dimensioned.

Required preliminary courses

No requirements over and above the admission requirements.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student:

  • knows the theory that forms the basis for classical mechanics
  • has an understanding of the relationship between loads and the strength properties of a structure
  • has knowledge of the forces of plane structures
  • has knowledge of graphic and analytical analysis methods
  • has knowledge of forces acting on jointed structures
  • has knowledge of simple plane truss structures
  • has knowledge of cross-section analysis of girder forms
  • has knowledge of cross-section forces and of normal, bending and shear stress
  • has knowledge of the buckling of members
  • has knowledge of complex stress and Mohr's circle


The student is capable of:

  • performing analyses and designing simple structures

General competence

The student:

  • is capable of carrying out a structural analysis of simple beam structures
  • knows the method for carrying out a structural analysis
  • is capable of planning and carrying out a structural analysis and documenting the work

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures and exercises.

Course requirements

The following coursework is compulsory and must be approved before the student can sit the exam:

  • 7 of 10 individual problem sets


The Exam consist of two parts:

Part 1: Individual written exam under supervision, 3 hours. This part counts as 80 % of the final grade.

Part 2: A course group project. This part counts as 20 % of the final grade.

The exam results can be appealed.

In the event of a resit or rescheduled exam, an oral examination may be used instead. In case an oral exam is used, the examination results cannot be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

A handheld calculator that cannot be used for wireless communication or to perform symbolic calculations. If the calculator’s internal memory can store data, the memory must be deleted before the exam. Random checks may be carried out.

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F.


One internal examiners. External examiners are used regularly.

Course contact person

Sam Woodford