Pre-Arrival Guide | International students - Student

Pre-arrival guide

Pre-arrival guide

Before arriving in Norway, make sure you have completed the steps listed here. These are relevant for international exchange students, and international Master students.
  • Accept your place and follow the instructions in your admission letter

    Master's Degree students

    Accept your place in "Søknadsweb". The deadline is approximately 10 days after receiving your offer. Specific groups of students have to pay tuition fees.

    Exchange students

    Accept your place and notify us of any special needs through the online Declaration of Acceptance form. The deadline is 28 October and 27 May.

    You will find more information about the relevant online form in your Admission Letter from OsloMet.

  • Apply for student accommodation

    As a student at OsloMet, you can apply for student housing through the Student Welfare Association (SiO), or you can look for accommodation on the private market. You can apply for student housing as soon as you have applied to OsloMet. Please see Accommodation for International Students for more information. 

    If you have any questions about housing, please send an e-mail to

  • Register or apply for residence permit and visa

  • Get health insurance

    As a student you need to have health insurance during your stay in Norway. What kind of insurance depends on your nationality and the length of your stay. 

  • Get travel insurance

    We recommend that you have a travel insurance. 

  • Get ready to study at OsloMet

    Follow the steps in the checklist for new international students to get access to OsloMet's digital systems and get started at OsloMet.

  • Check out important dates

    Orientation meeting 12th of August (The Student Hall, Pilestredet 52)

    More information will be presented prior to the meeting date. 
    The orientation meeting is a welcome meeting for all international students coming to OsloMet. In this meeting, you get practical information, you meet the buddy board and various student services that you should know about. We look forward to seeing you on Monday 12th of August!

    Start dates for the courses

    For full degree students, please see your Admission Letter for individual start dates.

    For exchange students, please refer to the online schedule for start dates per course. The timetables will be updated early December for the spring semester, and early June for the autumn semester.

    Information about the academic year and holidays in Norway

  • Get to know OsloMet's campuses

    OsloMet has two campuses. One in Oslo and one at Kjeller, near the city of Lillestrøm.

    Get to know your campuses