Health Insurance | International students - Student

Health Insurance

Health Insurance

As a student you need to have health insurance during your stay in Norway. What kind of insurance depends on your nationality and the length of your stay.
  • EU/EEA Students

    You can choose to have either coverage by the European Health Insurance Card or private health insurance. This is required to complete your registration with the police in Norway.

    Please note that travel insurance is not valid as coverage for residence purposes. If you only have a travel insurance, you are not able to register with the police.

    European Health Insurance Card

    The European Health Insurance Card ( entitles you to the same treatment as the citizens of the country where you are staying. 

    You must bring the European Health Insurance Card when you enter Norway, and it needs to be valid for your entire stay. For information about how to obtain the card, please contact the nearest health authority in your home country.

    Private Health Insurance

    If you decide to use private health insurance, please make sure your insurance covers Norway as a geographic area and the entire period of your stay. 

  • Non EU/EEA Students - Staying less than 3 months

    Students staying less than 3 months must have health insurance from their home country covering their entire stay in Norway.

  • Non EU/EEA Students - Staying in Norway between 3 and 12 months

    You need to have a private or public health insurance from your home country covering your first few weeks in Norway. For the rest of your stay, you have two options:

    1. A public or private social security coverage from your home country.


    2. You can apply for voluntary membership in the National Insurance Scheme (  

  • Non EU/EEA Students - Staying in Norway for more than 1 year

    All students staying more than a year are automatically insured under the National Insurance Scheme ( when you register as a resident in Norway with the National Registry (Skatt Øst).

    You need to have a private or public health insurance from your home country covering the period of time until you are registered in Norway.