Norwegian Identity Number | International students - Student

How to get a Norwegian Identity Number

How to get a Norwegian Identity Number

You must register in the National Population Register if you are here for more than six months. This will entitle you to a Norwegian Identity Number issued 4-6 weeks after you have registered.

A Norwegian identity number is an 11-digit personal identifier, issued by the Tax Administration office.

  • Students who are here more than six months

    If you are here for longer than six months you can obtain a permanent ID number (also known as fødselsnummer or "birth number"). In order to do so you must register in the Norwegian population registry by reporting a move to Norway. Please bring the following to the Service Centre for Foreign Workers:

    EU/EEA students

    Please follow the instructions on the tax administration's website about moving to Norway.

    Non-EU students

    You are automatically assigned an ID-number when you have your appointment with the police. 

    NOTE: Some students who are staying more than six months are receiving D-numbers instead of ID numbers. You will need to complain to the tax authorities about this and request a new number. 

  • Students who are here less than six month

    If you are here less than six months, you will only be able to access a temporary ID number, also called a D-number.

    EU/EEA students

    You will need a work contract in order to obtain a D-Number. Our office cannot help you with this process. Please see the Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten) for more information.

    Non-EU students

    You should automatically receive a D-number a few weeks after your appointment with the Police. For more information contact the Norwegian Tax Administration. 

  • When you have received your identity number

    When you have received your Norwegian ID number, this needs to be registered in the OsloMet administration system. Please go to the Information Centre at your faculty.