Study Overview Public

Masterstudium i barnehagekunnskap deltid Study information

Pilestredet, Oslo
Spring 2024
Welcome to OsloMet! Here you will find all you need to know about starting your studies.


This schedule only shows the preliminary schedule for the first study year - existing students may log in to view their schedule.

Schedule Portlet

The schedule for autumn 2024 will be published on June 1.

Course descriptions and curriculum

Ledelse og organisasjonsbygging i barnehagen

Subject code MBH4230
Credits 15.0

Kulturelt og religiøst mangfold i barnehagen

Subject code MBH4250
Credits 15.0

Barn, kunst og kultur

Subject code MBH4270
Credits 15.0

Politikk, profesjon og barnehagepedagogikk

Subject code MBH4210
Credits 15.0

Program plan

Studiestart høst 2023 - Masterutdanning i barnehagekunnskap, deltid

This information is only available in Norwegian. Click the "NO" button in the header to go to the Norwegian version.

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