Norwegian Language for Foreign Students, Beginner Level Programplan

Engelsk programnavn
Norwegian Language for Foreign Students, Beginner Level
Gjelder fra
2024 HØST
7.5 studiepoeng
1 semester


The Beginner’s course of Norwegian is an introduction to some main aspects of Norwegian language. The objective of the course is to enable the candidates to understand and produce Norwegian in some common social contexts.


The target group of the course is international exchange students who are admitted to the study programmes at OsloMet for the current term.



International exchange students, who are admitted to the study programmes at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) for the current term, will be given priority over other applicants. Other categories of international students who currently follow study programmes at OsloMet, may be admitted to the course provided that there will be available places. Trainees through the ‘Akademisk dugnad’ at OsloMet must be approved by the Section for Internationalisation and must meet the general admission requirements for Higher Education Entrance Qualification (GSK).

The following categories will not be able to apply for the course:

  • Applicants with equivalent or higher language competence
  • Other categories of applicants, who are not international students at OsloMet
  • Students with ordinary admission to OsloMet

Ranking of qualified applicants

Qualified applicants will be ranked in the following order:

  • Erasmus+ students and trainees.
  • Exchange students from other exchange programmes.
  • Trainees through the ‘Akademisk dugnad’ at OsloMet and have been recommended by the Section for Internationalisation.
  • Master’s degree programme students.

Applicants in each category will be ranked according to drawing of lots principle.


See course plan.

Innhold og oppbygging

See course plan.

Valgfritt emne Løper over flere semestre

1. studieår

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

See course plan.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

See course plan.

Vurdering og sensur

See course plan.

Øvrig informasjon

Norwegian Language for Foreign Students, Beginner Level (7,5 ECTS)

Approved by the Academic Affairs Committee at Faculty of Education and International Studies, December 12, 2019.

Course plan valid from fall semester 2020.

Programme Code: NOBEG.

Course Code: NOBE6000.