European Project Semester Programplan

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European Project Semester
Gjelder fra
2024 HØST
30 studiepoeng
1 semester


The European Project Semester (EPS) is an international program consisting of 30ECTS - 20ECTS Project Work and 10ECTS Supporting Courses.


The program is mainly offered to third year engineering students, but students from other disciplines may apply.

The EPS is also an alternative to writing the regular final thesis for third year bachelor students at the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design.


Candidates must have a qualification equivalent to two years of relevant education at a higher education institution. Proficiency in English is required.


On completion of the EPS the student has the following learning outcomes defined as knowledge, skills, and general competence.


The student knows:

  • Business and academic behaviour in different cultures and disciplines.
  • Relevant processes and methods for innovation and development work.
  • Relevant forms of communication for working in an international context.


The student can:

  • Organize, contribute and take responsibility in learning processes.
  • Apply skills and knowledge from their primary discipline in a multidisciplinary project.
  • Communicate in English in business and academic settings.
  • Reflect on their knowledge, development and contribution.

General Competence

The student can:

  • Cooperate in an international and multidisciplinary group.
  • Plan, manage and execute a practical, interdisciplinary project.
  • Document individual and project work.
  • Reflect on and document learning and self-development.

Innhold og oppbygging

The EPS semester is divided into two parts:

  1. A multidisciplinary group project (20 ECTS) designed to develop students' initiative, project management skills, co-operation, communication skills, individual creativity and ability to apply their disciplinary knowledge in a broader context . Projects can be within the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design and/or in collaboration with external companies, partners and stakeholders.
  2. Two Supporting Courses (Project Management and English and Academic Writing), which run throughout the semester, plus a series of guest lectures and workshops.

For more details, see course plans.

Valgfritt emne Løper over flere semestre

1. studieår

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

EPS project groups are composed of 3 to 5 students who work on a specific project for the duration of the semester.

In addition to the group project, students attend classes in Project Management English and Academic Writing, and specifically themed guest lectures. Teaching is a combination of lectures, seminars and individual and group assignments.

Vurdering og sensur

The forms of assessment used shall promote learning and document that the students¿ competence is adequate in relation to the applicable learning outcome.

A grading scale from A to E is used, where A denotes the highest grade, E denotes the lowest, and F denotes a fail. Grades are assigned according to the Assessment Criteria for Bachelor's Theses in Engineering set by the Norwegian Association for Higher Education Institutions.

Provisions governing examinations are laid down in the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges and the Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations at OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University. Please refer to OsloMet's website: www.oslomet.no

Øvrig informasjon

The purpose of the Quality Assurance System at OsloMet is to strengthen the student's learning outcome and development by increasing the quality throughout. OsloMet wants to cooperate with its students and their participation in the Quality Assurance System is crucial. Some of the overall goals of the Quality Assurance System are to ensure:

  • the educational institution, including practical training, learning and study environment maintains a high standard
  • relevance of the study programmes for the professional field
  • continuous development and improvements in the quality of teaching and learning

Students will be required to complete an EPS Course Evaluation Form at the end of the semester.