EPS3900 European Project Semester - Main Project Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
European Project Semester - Main Project
European Project Semester
20.0 stp.


An interdisciplinary group project designed to develop students' project management skills, co-operation, communication skills, individual creativity and ability to apply their knowledge and competencies in different contexts.


Admission to the programme.


After completing the course, the student should have the following overall learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


Upon successful completion of the course, the student knows:

  • how to collaborate and study in complex teams
  • how to employ project management methodologies when planning and executing a project
  • how to apply scientific knowledge and processes to solve multi-disciplinary problems, and methods for analysing outcomes


Upon successful completion of the course, the student can:

  • collaborate effectively with individuals with different nationalities, background and competencies
  • analyse the tasks and define the problems to be solved
  • apply relevant project management models
  • apply each group member’s existing disciplinary knowledge in innovation processes.
  • effectively analyse challenges; and identify and acquire competences necessary to develop feasible solutions
  • communicate in a multi-disciplinary team
  • appropriately and correctly document their project work
  • critically evaluate ongoing work and adjust development processes to achieve desired results

General Competence

Upon successful completion of the course, the student can:

  • plan, research and execute a project as part of a team
  • document the project; results, processes and competence development in a collaborative report
  • present and discuss the results, processes, complexities and decisions in the project

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

EPS project groups are typically comprised of 3-5 students.

Projects can be within the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design and/or in collaboration with external companies, partners and stakeholders.

An academic supervisor at OsloMet will be assigned to each project group. The internal and/or external supervisor meets regularly with the project group and is responsible for the day-to-day running of the project. The main contribution of the supervisor is to help the students understand the content of their project and ensure that they are making progress. External companies, partners and stakeholders are consulted when necessary and according to the needs and scope of the individual project.

In addition to the content of the project report and oral (the product), great attention will be paid to the students- abilities to plan, delegate, communicate and co-operate as responsible team members towards a common objective (the process).

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

No coursework requirements/ No compulsory activites

Vurdering og eksamen

The assessment/examination is based on a group porfolio consisting of:

  • a written project report (between 5.000-10.000 words)
  • an oral presentation and discussion (20 + 10 minutes)

The portfolio is assessed as a whole and cannot be appealed.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

All aids are permitted, as long as the rules for source referencing are followed.


Grade scale A-F


Two internal examiners. External examiner is used regularly.


Associate professor Tengel Aas Sandtrø (Academic head of EPS)