MBIB4600 Interactive Information Retrieval Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Interactive Information Retrieval
Bibliotek- og informasjonsvitenskap, enkeltemner master
Masterstudium i bibliotek- og informasjonsvitenskap
Masterstudium i bibliotek- og informasjonsvitenskap - deltid
15.0 stp.


This course on interactive information retrieval (IIR) focuses on users' use and interaction with information systems and the users' satisfaction with retrieved information. The course deals with central concepts and models as well as theoretical and methodical aspects of context-based evaluation of IIR. Emphasis is placed on the relations between users, information needs, information situations, relevance of retrieved information, and information seeking behaviour. In particular, the course focuses on methods and study designs (methodology) for how to study users' system interaction, their satisfaction with retrieved information, and information seeking behaviour.

In summary, the course covers:

  • Conceptions of information need and relevance, as well as models of information searching, information seeking, and information behaviour.
  • (I)IR evaluation approaches.
  • Data collection methods and study design for (I)IR evaluation and user studies.

The teaching language is in English when there are foreign exchange students present.

Anbefalte forkunnskaper

The course presupposes knowledge about information searching and metadata-based information systems at bachelor level.




The student should have the following learning outcomes upon successful completion of the course:


The student has

  • advanced knowledge and insight about different IR evaluation approaches
  • advanced knowledge about central concepts, models, and methods for IIR evaluation and user studies
  • advanced knowledge about how to conduct IIR evaluation and user studies


The student can

  • reflect on central models and methods for IIR evaluation and user studies
  • assess relevant methods, and combinations of these, for IIR evaluation and user studies
  • identify and compare key evaluation concepts for IIR evaluation and user studies
  • use advanced knowledge on central concepts, models, and methods to conduct IIR evaluation and user studies

General competence

The student is able to

  • disseminate and give an account of different IR evaluation approaches
  • analytically assess relevant methods, and combinations of these, for IIR evaluation and user studies
  • independently design, plan, and conduct different types of IIR evaluations and user studies

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

Lectures, dialog-based teaching in the form of class discussions based on "week assignments", group work, and student presentations.

The student conducts an empirical study based on the course (in the form of a pilot study).

The empirical study can be made individually, or in groups of 2-3 students.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

No coursework requirements.

Vurdering og eksamen

The assessment has two parts: 

  1. The student writes a term paper reporting the empirical study
  2. The student takes an oral exam on the basis of the term paper (empirical study) and the complete syllabus

The term paper is based on the empirical study and can be made individually (approximately 20 pages, excluding list of references), or in groups of 2-3 students (approximately 25 pages, excluding list of references). In the case of group work it must be clearly stated which student is responsible for which sections to ensure individual assessment. The introduction, problem statement, and conclusion can be joint work.

Font and font size: Arial/Calibri 12 points. Line spacing: 1.5.

The oral exam is taken individually. Oral examination: 30 minutes. The internal examiner and the external examiner make the assessment of both the term paper and the oral exam. Texts from syllabus, course notes, and presentation notes are permitted at the oral exam.

The student may choose English or Norwegian as examination language.

The term paper and oral exam each counts 50%. The grades of both the term paper and the oral exam are declared at the oral exam. The final grade is announced at Studentweb. The three grades are specified in the course certificate.

The student must pass both the term paper and the oral exam to pass the course.

In case the term paper does not pass, the student is informed in advance of the oral exam, and the oral exam is postponed. The student revise the term paper and takes the oral exam on the basis of the revised term paper and complete syllabus. Note, no supervision is offered in the case of revision of the term paper.

A student who has failed the oral exam is entitled to take a new oral exam on the basis of term paper and complete syllabus.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

Term paper: All written aids are allowed as long as the source reference rules are followed.

Oral examination: Texts from syllabus, course notes, and presentation notes are permitted at the oral exam.


Grading scale A-F.


An internal and external examiner make the assessment of all exams.


Pia Borlund