MAIKT-DESIGN Deltakende design Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Participatory Design
Masterstudium i digitalt læringsdesign
15.0 stp.


Students should achieve an overview of the methodology of participatory design in the planning, design and implementation of new and changed digital systems. They should, through work with the course literature and the participative development project, obtain ability to initiate, organise and perform participatory design projects. 


A student who has completed his or her qualification has the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • has advanced knowledge of the methodology of participatory design
  • can apply knowledge on participatory design and action research to new application areas and user groups


The student

  • can initiate, organize and perform participatory design projects
  • can analyse existing theories and models in order to organize a participatory design project

General competence

The student

  • can analyse relevant challenges of participatory design as a method for system development
  • can apply achieved knowledge on action research in relation to participatory design
  • can communicate theories and challenges of participatory design and action research both to researchers and other communities


  • The concepts of participation and design
  • The establishment of a participatory project, including identification of user groups, choosing participants, organisational anchoring, and constituting a group
  • Iterative design and action research

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

The course is fully internet-based. The course may be taught in English if English speaking students attend. The course methodology is project work and action research. The students will carry out a development project in their own environment and in collaboration with participants. Regular peer feedback and moderated peer discussions will be organised on the different topics of the course. Reflection and discussion about the projects will focus on the participative aspects of the projects. 

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

See general rules in the programme plan. Students must have the following course work requirements approved before examination: 

The course work requirements are organised around the project, as three individual deliveries linked to three iterations in an action research project. The purpose is to gain practical and theoretical understanding of participatory design 

  • Delivery 1: A sketch of the system, including a definition of the project goal, a description of user groups and participants, and a brief description of the future system, (300-600 words) 

  • Delivery 2: Detailed design, including a description and evaluation of the choice of description techniques and design tools, and a description of needs and proposed solutions (450-750 words) 

  • Delivery 3: System prototype: a running application, accessible for co-students and supervisors 

Vurdering og eksamen

The exam is an individual written report from the project, according to given criteria. Length: 3000 words +/- 10 %.

New/postponed exam

New/postponed exam will be organized in the same way as the ordinary exam. Students who fail the exam may submit a revised report. 

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

Examination support material is permitted.


The grades pass and fail will be used. See assessment criteria in the programme plan.


The evaluation will be performed by two internal examiners. An external programme supervisor is used according to OsloMet guidelines to appointing and use of examiners.