BLH1200 Natur, helse og bevegelse Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Nature, Health and Physical Activity
Bachelorstudium i barnehagelærerutdanning, heltid
20.0 stp.


Emneplanen bygger på Forskrift om rammeplan for barnehagelærerutdanning (180 studiepoeng), fastsatt av Kunnskapsdepartementet 4. juni 2012 og Nasjonale retningslinjer for barnehagelærerutdanning, 17. oktober 2018 fra Universitets- og høyskolerådet.

Undervisningen i emnet gis i utdanningens 1. studieår.

Kunnskapsområdet skal gi studentene en særlig forståelse for hvordan ulike miljøer med vekt på naturen kan være en kilde til opplevelser, utforsking, lek, læring og danning hos barn. Kunnskapsområdet skal gi studenten en helhetlig tilnærming til barns helse, kropp og kroppslige væremåte. Undervisningen er både praktisk og teoretisk rettet der studentene er aktive og undersøkende.


Etter fullført emne har studenten følgende læringsutbytte definert som kunnskap, ferdigheter og generell kompetanse.


Studenten har

  • kunnskap om hvordan barn lærer om verden og forstår seg selv gjennom kroppen
  • kunnskap om natur, kroppslig lek, mat og helse, og hvordan disse inngår i barnehagens ulike læringsmiljøer
  • kunnskap om fysiske fenomen, naturmangfold, sammenhenger i naturen og bærekraftig utvikling
  • kunnskap om barns fysiske vekst samt motoriske utvikling og læring
  • didaktisk kunnskap om hvordan legge til rette for leke-, lærings- og utforskningsprosesser


Studenten kan

  • orientere seg i og anvende nærmiljøets muligheter for utforsking, naturopplevelser og bevegelse sammen med barna
  • reflektere over ulike kulturelle perspektiv i arbeidet med helse, natur og bevegelse
  • initiere, lede og evaluere didaktiske prosesser i barnehagen ute og inne og legge til rette for barns lek og risikomestring
  • bruke hensiktsmessige materialer, råvarer, teknikker og redskaper i praktisk arbeid med barn og dra nytte av lokale naturressurser
  • vurderer kvaliteten ved ute- og innemiljø for bevegelse og kroppslig lek.

Generell kompetanse


  • er bevisst pedagogiske praksiser som et grunnlag for bærekraftig utvikling og barns forhold til naturen
  • er bevisst ulike kulturelle perspektiv, som det samiske, i arbeid med natur, helse, mat og bevegelse.
  • er bevisst på å inspirere til kroppslig lek, naturopplevelser og matglede.
  • kan drøfte etiske problemstillinger knyttet til kunnskapsområdet

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

Det vil være teoretiske og praktiske tilnærminger til kunnskapsområdet. Det vil være flere ekskursjoner i nærområdet/regionen og eventuelle kostnader knyttet til dette må dekkes av studenten selv.

Veiledet praksisstudier

Praksisopplæringen har et omfang på totalt 40 dager. Det er 20 dager praksisstudier i 1. semester (del 1) og 20 dager i 2. semester (del 2). Praksisstudiet i begge perioder er i samarbeid med kunnskapsområdet Barns utvikling, lek og læring og Kunst, kultur og kreativitet . Disse praksisperiodene utføres i samme barnehage. Del 1 og del 2 vurderes under ett. Fravær skal tas igjen innen utgangen av høstsemesteret for del 1 og innen utgangen av vårsemesteret for del 2.

Mer informasjon om praksisstudier finnes i retningslinjer for praksisstudiet, praksiskalenderen og på nettsiden https://student.oslomet.no/praksis-barnehagelerer og i heftet "Informasjon om praksisoppgaven", som publiseres på OsloMets digitale læringsplattform før oppstart av praksisperioden

For utfyllende informasjon om praksisstudier se programplanen for bachelorstudium i barnehagelærerutdanning, heltid, (180 studiepoeng).

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

Retten til å avlegge eksamen forutsetter godkjente arbeidskrav, deltakelse i faglige aktiviteter og tilstedeværelse i undervisning.


Arbeidskrav 1: Individuell skriftlig oppgave - observasjon i natur og naturfagsdidaktikk, med omfang inntil 1000 ord.

Arbeidskrav 2: Individuell skriftlig oppgave - barn i bevegelse, med omfang inntil 1000 ord.

Arbeidskrav 3: Individuell oppgave - multiple choice, omfang inntil to timer.

Faglige aktiviteter med krav om deltakelse

Praktisk arbeid med barn (krav om 100 prosent deltakelse)

Gruppearbeid og fremlegg knyttet til barn og helse (krav om 100 prosent deltakelse)

Krav om 80 prosent tilstedeværelse i undervisning

Det er krav om 80 prosent tilstedeværelse i all undervisning.

For utfyllende informasjon om arbeidskrav, krav om deltakelse i faglige aktiviteter og krav om tilstedeværelse i undervisning se programplanen for bachelorstudium i barnehagelærerutdanning, heltid.

Vurdering og eksamen

This programme description was prepared by OsloMet pursuant to the National Curriculum Regulations for Engineering Education, adopted by the Ministry of Education on 18 Mai 2018.

The Norwegian Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, which was adopted by the Ministry of Education and Research on 20 March 2009, provides an overview of the overall learning outcomes defined in terms of the knowledge, skills and general competence candidates are expected to have achieved after completing the degree programme. The learning outcomes described in the programme description have been prepared in accordance with the National Curriculum Regulations and the Qualifications Framework.

The purpose of the programme is to provide students with a broad theoretical and practical background. Knowledge of biotechnology will be based on a general chemistry platform and thorough training in chemical analysis techniques, which will give the students flexibility in terms of their choice of career and further studies.

Biotechnology is sometimes referred to as the new global growth industry. Great progress has been made in biotechnology, especially in connection with medical diagnostics, forensic analyses, treatment of illnesses, production processes (beer, wine, yoghurt and cheese), animal feed, biological water treatment, the utilisation of enzymes in technical processes, for example in biodiesel and petrol production, and waste management.

An education in biotechnology and chemistry provides opportunities to take part in exciting developments in the food processing industry, pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, and the aquaculture and fisheries industry. The education can also provide opportunities for jobs relating to R&D activities at several research institutions and in various research communities.

Possible work areas also include the operation of water treatment facilities, analyses of polluting emissions and mapping of the damaging effects of such pollution on people, animals and nature. The broad chemistry background this programme provides will also enable candidates to work in the industrial production of glue, paint and varnish, detergents and petroleum products.

Further education

The bachelor’s degree programme in Biotechnology and Applied Chemistry has one programme option:

  • Biotechnology

It is a three-year programme, and candidates who have completed the programme will be awarded the degree Bachelor of Biotechnology and Applied Chemistry.

There are a number of further education options for candidates with a bachelor’s degree in engineering. Many students go on to take a master’s degree in technology at OsloMet (for example at the Faculty of Health Sciences), NTNU, UMB, UiO or other Norwegian and foreign universities.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

The programme is aimed at applicants who have a background in natural science and wish to take higher education in an engineering field. Applicants without a natural science background can apply for admission to OsloMet's introductory course ( Forkurs) or three-semester scheme ( Tre-termin) to qualify for the engineering programmes. See OsloMet’s website: www.oslomet.no/


The Higher Education Entrance Qualification/prior learning and work experience and Mathematics R1+R2 and Physics 1. An introductory course or qualifications from a technical college under previous systems are sufficient to meet the qualification requirements. Applicants with qualifications from a technical college pursuant to the Act relating to Tertiary Vocational Education (2003) only need to take Mathematics R1+R2 and Physics 1.

Reference is made to the Regulations concerning Admission to Higher Education,https://lovdata.no/dokument/SF/forskrift/2017-01-06-13


After completing and passing the three-year bachelor’s degree programme in Biotechnology and Applied Chemistry, the candidate is expected to have achieved the following overall learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The candidate:

  • has broad knowledge of different sub-disciplines of chemistry (general chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry and applied chemistry) that gives an overall perspective on the work of chemical engineers
  • has basic knowledge of mathematics, statistics, physics and relevant social science and economics subjects, and how to use them in problem-solving in the field of engineering
  • has fundamental knowledge of biochemistry, microbiology, biotechnology and genetics
  • has fundamental knowledge of sampling, sample preparation and instrumental analysis techniques
  • is familiar with Norwegian laws and regulations relating to the use of biotechnology and genetic engineering
  • has knowledge of technological developments in chemical subjects, the role of chemical engineers in society, consequences of developments and the use of technology
  • is capable of updating their knowledge related to the field of chemical engineering by obtaining new and relevant information and through contact with academic/industry experts and practical work
  • is familiar with research and development work in the field of chemistry and with relevant methods in the specialisation subjects such as biotechnology, biochemical engineering and analytical chemistry


The candidate:

  • is capable of applying and processing knowledge to solve chemistry-related problems, proposing technical solutions, and analysing and quality assuring the results
  • is capable of using computer tools and relevant computer and simulation programs
  • is capable of working in chemical labs, and has mastery of spectroscopy, chromatography and electrochemistry methods that contribute to both analytical and innovative work.
  • can document results in laboratory notebooks and write reports based on standardised methods
  • is capable of finding and assessing information and specialist literature and critically assessing the quality of the source
  • can present and discuss such material, both orally and in writing, so that it sheds light on an issue
  • is capable of citing literature correctly and compiling reference lists in accordance with the applicable referencing guidelines
  • is capable of handling chemicals in accordance with regulations and of using HSE-data
  • is capable of contributing new ideas, innovation and entrepreneurship through participation in the development and realisation of sustainable solutions and products, systems and/or solutions that benefit society
  • is capable of working on biotechnology issues in both medical research and development and technological production
  • is capable of using methods such as recombinant DNA technology and classical mutagenesis techniques to develop biotechnology production organisms, and has experience of growing microorganisms and operating and optimising fermenters
  • masters methods such as PCR, restriction digestion, agarose gel electrophoresis and hybridisation to prepare DNA for analysis

General competence

The candidate:

  • has insight into the environmental, health-related, social and financial consequences of chemical products, analyses and processes, and is capable of placing them in an ethical and a life-cycle perspective
  • is capable of communicating chemistry knowledge to different target groups, both orally and in writing, and has the ability to illustrate the importance and consequences of technology
  • is capable of participating in professional discussions, showing respect and being open to other fields and contributing to interdisciplinary work
  • has applied quality assurance procedures for laboratory work
  • has information literacy skills; knows why it is necessary to search for quality-assured sources of knowledge, how and why sources must be cited, and is familiar with plagiarism and cheating