MAIKT-EDU IKT-støttet utvikling og utdanning i det globale Sør Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
ICT-supported Development and Education in the South
Masterstudium i digitalt læringsdesign
15.0 stp.


Through work with the literature and the tasks, the student should gain overview of the possibilities and challenges of using ICTs in education in developing countries in the South.


No prerequisites required.


A student who has completed this course has the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • has thorough knowledge of theories about the global digital divide, distance education and mobile learning, as well as gender aspects related to education and technology in the South
  • has advanced understanding of the role of education in development and the role of technology in global education


The student

  • can analyse and deal critically with various sources of information, and use them to structure and formulate scholary arguments on the use of technology in education and development in the South
  • can, under supervision, carry out an independent, limited literature review on aspects of the use of technology in education and development in the South

General competence

The student

  • can communicate about academic issues, analysis and conclusions in the field of education and development in the South, both with academics and the general public


The following are sub themes of the course:

  • Digital divide literacies and e-citizenship, ICTs and infrastructure
  • Distance education and mobile learning
  • Aspects of diversities in gender, culture and epistemologies

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

The course may be organized on or off campus (net-based), depending on the needs of the participants. The course will be organized mainly as a seminar, where the participants will present and discuss the course literature. The students should write a paper based on their own literature review on a selected topic. Active participation from all students is a necessity.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

See general rules for the master program. Students must have the following course work requirements approved before examination:

  • Presenting at least three of the papers on the literature list for the other students (10-15 minutes)
  • Participating in the discussions in the seminar group (80 % participation). Participation is necessary since the learning is organized as a seminar.
  • Writing an abstract for a paper for a relevant conference, national or international, based on given guidelines (appr. 200 words)

Vurdering og eksamen

The exam consists of an individual paper based on a literature review on a selected topic (3000-4000 words).

New/postponed exam will be performed in the same way as the ordinary exam. If a student fails, a revised paper can be submitted for the new exam.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

Examination support material is permitted.


The grades Pass and Fail will be used.


The paper will be assessed by two internal examiners. An external programme supervisor is used according to OsloMet's guidelines to appointing and use of examiners.