ACIT4025 Cybersecurity and privacy Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Cybersecurity and privacy
Master's Programme in Applied Computer and Information Technology
10.0 stp.


This course will be a seminar that focuses on current topics in cybersecurity. Its aims are threefold:  

  1. In-depth insights into a current topic in cybersecurity 

  2. Adoption and practice of research skills such as literature search, classification, review and critical judgement

  3. Improvement of scientific writing, technical reporting and presentation skills 

The course will provide a current topic in cybersecurity including reading lists and background literature. Participants will receive a research task for their own literature work. Course sessions will provide knowledge and skills in group sessions using presentations, feedback, group discussions and peer review.  

Anbefalte forkunnskaper

ACIT4280 Privacy by Design, ACIT4015 Network Security 

Mastery a word processing application, including advanced spellchecking, formatting, template handling, and referencing. Experience with a reference database / reference manager for literature work will be advantageous. Consider using OsloMet’s library training for students: https://student.oslomet.no/en/kurs-universitetsbiblioteket  


No formal requirements over and above the admission requirements.


A student who has completed this course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence: 


On successful completion of this course the student has:    

  • in-depth knowledge of a contemporary topic in cybersecurity and/or information privacy  

  • deepened insight into cybersecurity technology, security vulnerabilities, information privacy and cybersecurity theory and practice and the societal relevance thereof 

  • cross-disciplinary insights into how information security interfaces with other disciplines and specializations (e.g. security usability, AI-empowered security, quantum security, IoT and cloud security) 

On successful completion of this course the student can:   

  • systematically and independently search for, classify and review scientific literature using publication databases 

  •  plan, write and present a scientific article or technical report following the IMRAD structure 

  • explain and critically review the topic orally in a presentation  

  • provide constructive peer review for scientific and technical papers to peer students  

  • write a review or argumentative article about a cybersecurity topic 

General Competence 

On successful completion of this course the student can:   

  • find and filter scientific literature in advanced topics in cybersecurity and related areas 

  • critically assess state-of-the-art literatures in cybersecurity and related areas 

  • present complex topics to a broad audience. Both orally and in writing  

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

  • Individual reading assignments 

  • Individual literature search work 

  • Individual writing assignments 

  • Seminar meetings including mini lectures, group discussions, student presentations group feedback sessions 

  • Written peer review assignments

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

The following required coursework must be approved before the student can take the exam: 

  • delivery of a written report (3000 words, +/- 10%)

  • delivery of two rounds peer reviews 

  • mid-term presentation of literature search

Vurdering og eksamen

The examination consists of two parts: 

1. An individual written article between 5000 and 10000 words. The article counts 60% towards the final grade. 

2. A 20-minute individual presentation. The oral exam counts 40% towards the final grade.  

Each part must be passed with at least E to pass examination. 

Part 1 of the exam can be appealed, part 2 of the exam cannot be appealed. 

New/postponed exam 

In case of failed exam or legal absence, the student may apply for a new or postponed exam. New or postponed exams are offered within a reasonable time span following the regular exam. The student is responsible for registering for a new/postponed exam within the time limits set by OsloMet. The Regulations for new or postponed examinations are available in Regulations relating to studies and examinations at OsloMet. 

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

All aids are permitted, provided the rules for plagiarism and source referencing must be complied with. 


Grade scale A-F 


Two internal examiners. External examiner is used periodically. 


Lothar Fritsch / Different instructor can take lead. Different instructors can offer parallel topics, sharing the supervision work in same course instance.