Eksamen ved TKD - Student

Exams at the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design

Exams at the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design

The Faculty of Technology, Art and Design (TKD) has prepared exam information especially for those studying at this faculty. If you cannot find additional information for your programme here, the common exam information from OsloMet applies.

Important deadlines: 

  • Registration for the ordinary exam: 1 September in the autumn semester and 1 February in the spring semester 
  • Registration for resits/rescheduled exams: 1 July for exams in July/August and 1 February for exams in February/March 
  • Adaptation of exams: 1 September in the autumn semester and 1 February in the spring semester  
  • Alternative form of assessment: 1 October for ordinary exams in the autumn semester and 1 March for exams in the spring semester 
  • Bilingual dictionary

    Students at the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design can apply to use a bilingual dictionary during supervised written exams. For information about other exam aids, see the web page of the individual programme. 

    You must hand in the dictionary at the Information centre at P35 no later than one week before the exam, and apply in the dictionary application form, see link below. 

    You can apply for the entire semester or academic year at the same time, for all exams where dictionaries are permitted. The invigilator will check the dictionary and the form on the day of the exam.  

    Note: It is your responsibility to ensure that, on the day of the exam, the dictionary contains no notes or anything that could constitute cheating, cf. the Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University Section 7-5 (lovdata.no). 

    Here you can apply to use bilingual dictionary (nettskjema.no). 

  • Attendance during exam periods

    You must be present during the exam periods. The ordinary exams in the autumn semester mostly take place in November and December. Resits and rescheduled exams for the autumn semester are usually held in weeks 8 and 9. 

    The ordinary exams in the spring semester mostly take place in May and June. Resits and rescheduled exams for the spring semester are usually held two weeks before start of studies in August.

    It is your responsibility to keep informed of when exams are to be held. You can do this e.g. via Studentweb (fsweb.no).

  • Alternative form of assessment

    Alternative forms of assessment are a type of adaptation that can be considered in cases where adaptation within the framework of the ordinary exam is not sufficient. See regulations: 

    The Act relating to Universities and University Colleges Section 4-3 (lovdata.no). 

    Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University (formerly Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences) Section 3-7 (lovdata.no). 

    Application deadlines 

    • 1 October for exams in November–December 
    • 1 March for exams in May–June and August–September 
    • Two months before the exam for exams during the rest of the year 

    If the reason you want to apply for an alternative form of assessment arose after the application deadline, please contact us and we will consider whether the application is still admissible. 


    An application for an alternative form of assessment must contain information about: 

    • why you believe you cannot take the exam the normal way, even with special arrangements. Be specific in the description of what is problematic in the exam situation. You do not need to include a diagnosis, as it is your ability to function in the situation that matters. 
    • which form(s) of examination you think may work and why 


    You must submit documentation in the form of a statement from your doctor or other practitioner. The statement must be written specifically for the application for an alternative form of assessment. It should typically include information about: 

    • the relevant aspects of the disability/illness/situation on which the application is based (brief description) 
    • how you are affected in an exam situation, i.e. what limitations the disability/illness/situation entails for you in the exam situation 
    • whether you are in treatment 
    • whether you are likely to improve and, if possible, when 
    • recommended adaptation measures for the exam 

    Would you like to apply for an alternative form of assessment? Fill in the application form (nettskjema.no).

    If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us via the contact form: or send an e-mail to eksamen-tkd@oslomet.no

  • Registering the title of your bachelor’s thesis or master’s thesis

    You must register the title of your bachelor’s thesis or master’s thesis so that it is included on your diploma or final transcript of grades. 

    Bachelor’s and master’s theses written in Norwegian must also have an English title, which will be entered on the Transcript of Records issued together with the diploma/final transcript of grades. If the thesis is written in English, provide the title in English only (original language).  

    Guide to registering titles in Studentweb. 

  • Data privacy in bachelor’s and master’s theses

    Are you going to do an interview or send a survey in connection with your bachelor’s or master’s thesis? 

    Then you are probably working with personal information from your informants. 

    Read more to find out how you handle personal information.

  • Fourth examination attempt

    If you have had three attempts for an examination and still have not passed the examination, you may apply for a fourth and last attempt. Applications for a fourth and last attempt are only granted in special cases. 

    Apply for a fourth and last attempt (nettskjema.no)?

  • Absence, illness and withdrawal 

    If you are ill before the submission deadline for portfolio/project report, you must submit a medical certificate before the deadline expires. The medical certificate must be stamped and signed. You will then be granted a 48-hour extension.

    If you are unable to obtain a medical certificate before the submission deadline, you must notify eksamen-tkd@oslomet.no that you are ill. The medical certificate must include the day of submission.

    Se also absence, illness and withdrawal 

  • Links

  • Guidelines for Master’s Theses

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about exams

    • I am going to retake the course. Do I also need to take the course requirements again? 
      • Previously approved course requirements will normally be valid for two years, as long as the requirements have not been changed in the current course since you last passed the requirements. Contact the study administration if you are unsure whether you need to submit a new assignment. 
    • What should I do if I am registered for two exams on the same date?  
      • You should normally take the ordinary exam associated with the class you are in. If the other exam pertains a course you haven't passed from previous academic years or you need to improve a grade, please contact eksamen-tkd@oslomet.no to see if it's possible to take this exam as a new and postponed exam. We cannot schedule exams to avoid conflicts between different academic years or programs. 
    • I received an F on my exam and want to appeal the grade. Can/should I also register for new and postponed exam? 
      • It's possible that the result of your appeal may not be available before the registration deadline for new and postponed exam in the course. If you appeal a failing grade, you should register for the new and postponed exam within the registration deadline. If the appeal results in a passing grade and this information is available before the exam date, the study administration will withdraw you by request from the new and postponed exam. 
    • I believe a specific part of my exam answer has been assessed incorrectly by the examiner. Can I inform the appeal examiners about this when appealing my grade? 
      • The appeal evaluation is a completely new assessment. The new examiners do not have access to the original examination result or explanation for the grade. They also do not receive information about any comments from the student. The entire answer will be re-evaluated by the appeal examiners. 
    • My grade has been lowered to an F after the appeal. Can I take the new and postponed exam? 
      • If the registration deadline has not passed, you can register for new and postponed exam in Studentweb. If the registration deadline has passed, contact the study administration to check if it's possible to register for the exam. This depends on whether a re-sit exam is scheduled for the course and if it's practically feasible. 
    • When is new and postponed exam arranged? 
      • The new and postponed exam is held before or at the beginning of the following semester. Normally, this is in February/March for fall exams and July/August for spring exams, but for some programs, the new and postponed exam may be held at different times. Remember that the registration deadline for the new and postponed exam is February 1st for exams in February/March and July 1st for exams in July/August. 
    • Evaluation in the course consists of partial grades and an overall result. Which grade can I appeal?  
      • You can appeal a partial grade that is shown in StudentWeb. Note that you cannot appeal partial grades that cannot be reassessed (e.g., oral exams). If all partial grades can be appealed, you can also appeal the overall grade. 
    • I want to appeal a part of a portfolio submission. Is this possible?  
      • If you want to appeal a portfolio submission, you must appeal the entire portfolio, and you cannot choose which parts to appeal. A portfolio submission is an overall assessment of all the work included in the portfolio. 
    • I have completed my studies, but I have now appealed a grade. What happens to my diploma in this situation?  
      • You will not receive the diploma until the appeal case has been fully processed. If the diploma has already been sent to you, you must return it in order for the appeal to be processed. For digital diplomas, they will be locked until the appeal case is finalized. 
    • I have completed my studies after the new and postponed exam, or the fall's ordinary exam. When will I receive the diploma? Do I need to do anything to get the diploma?  
      • You must request the diploma/grade transcript as soon as you have passed all courses to avoid delays. If you do not contact us, the diploma will be issued simultaneously with the next class completing the program. 

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