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Erasmushogeschool Brussel


Campus Bloemenhof

Photo: Erasmushogeschool Brussel

Erasmushogeschool Brussel


Brussel , Belgium

Number of students

About the study place

Erasmushogeschool Brussels is a university located in the capital of Belgium, Brussels. The city is considered as the capital of the European Union and has two official languages ​​which are French and Dutch. The university has 11 campuses located around the city. Some of the campuses are located in the heart of Brussels, while others are located outside the city center. The university offers many study programmes and has a good overview on their website.

As a student in Brussels, you will be able to experience the city's exciting cultural, social and artistic scene. You can visit the famous European Parliament, the attraction mini-Europe or the city's landmark Atomium. The landmark is Brussels' answer to the Eiffel Tower, and you can enjoy a meal here or just look at the wonderful view over Brussels. The city is known for its beautiful buildings and at the town hall square, Grand Place, you will find the town hall which dates back to the 15th century. If you need a short break from your studies, you can visit the student café Ritcs. At this café you can meet other students, listen to live music or play games.

At the university, there are several laboratories where students have the opportunity to explore, be creative and learn in new ways. The lectures take place in small groups where the student’s personal growth is the main focus. The university is concerned that you as a student should thrive. Therefore, they have a buddy programme where you can get to know other students and they also arrange social gatherings.


In order to have 30 ECTS credits approved at OsloMet after the exchange, you must take 30 ECTS credits at this institution. 


Semester division

First semester: xx—xx
Second semester: September—February


This institution offers student accommodation (

In the Facebook group OsloMet Utveksling you can contact students who have been there before to hear where they lived and how they went about finding accommodation.