TKDF1000 Interdisciplinary project work Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Tverrfaglig prosjektarbeid
Study programme
Bachelor in Applied Computer Technology
Bachelor Programme in Drama and Theatre
Bachelor Programme in Art and Design
Bachelor's Programme - Specialized Teacher Training in Design, Arts and Crafts
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Civil Engineering
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environment in buildings
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Biotechnology and Applied Chemistry
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information Technology
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Product Design
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


[Emnet går ikke høsten 2024]

Studentene skal gjennomføre et prosjekt innenfor et gitt overordnet tema. Temaet vil være inspirert av samfunnsaktuelle eller fremtidige utfordringer og vil variere fra år til år. Innenfor temaet kan studentene definere egne problemstillinger eller hente inspirasjon fra en liste med forhåndsdefinerte problemstillinger. Sluttproduktet skal være en fysisk prototype, og design skal gjøres tilgjengelig som open source i løpet av semesteret. Studentene vil tilegne seg kunnskaper innen samarbeid, prosjektarbeid, materialbruk og rapid prototyping.

Studentene vil bli inndelt i grupper på en måte som legger til rette for tverrfaglig samarbeid. Verktøy, utstyr og materialer i OsloMet Makerspace står til studentenes disposisjon. Emnet har plass til 40 studenter.

Required preliminary courses

Ingen utover opptakskrav.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student's knowledge, skills and general competence are described as follows:


The student:

• has knowledge of appropriate implementation of project work and problem solving in groups

• has insight into product development, from idea to prototype or finished product

• know the uses of the tools found in the Makerspace

• Knowledge of the creative movement and the principles surrounding free and open-source code


The student:

• can carry out product development from idea to prototype for a physical or digital product

• can use selected tools in the Makerspace

• can regulate own progress in project implementation

• can communicate own specialized subject knowledge to an interdisciplinary group

General competence

The student:

• have the knowledge and skills to select relevant materials, methods and tools

• can work in interdisciplinary groups and sees connections across disciplines

• masters methods for designing and implementing projects

• can communicate problems, ideas and products to others

Teaching and learning methods

Teaching is organized as four compulsory sessions, compulsory guidance, as well as voluntary courses and themed lectures.

The course begins with a mandatory kick-off meeting where practical information is given, the students are divided into groups and are assigned a project. Each group gets a supervisor who follows up the group and helps in the development of the finished product. The groups are put together in a way that facilitates interdisciplinary cooperation. Throughout the semester, courses and assemblies with relevant content for the assignment are offered. Tools, equipment and materials in OsloMet Makerspace are at the disposal of the groups.

During the first weeks, the students must narrow down the project description and deliver a list of measurable deliverables, as well as a proposed timeline and any needs for resources/training.

During the semester, the students will present their idea to the other groups. At the last assembly, the finished product is presented.

Course requirements

The following work requirements must be approved in order to be admitted for the exam:

• Compulsory participation in the meetings. Absence from the gatherings requires sick leave or prior approval.

• All students must attend at least three tutorials throughout the semester.

• Detailed project description according to template, as well as specification of necessary resources

• Presentation of the project plan in collection no. 2

• Status report, including changes to the project description, is delivered before meeting 3


Oral product presentation in a group.

The students present their final work, including the final product, publicly and in front of a panel consisting of representatives from several professional communities at TKD.

The group receives an overall grade that cannot be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment


Grading scale



Product and presentation are assessed by two internal examiners. External examiner is used regularly.