SP9300 Social inequality, health and work inclusion: theory, research approaches and empirical findings Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Social inequality, health and work inclusion: theory, research approaches and empirical findings
Ph.d.-program i sosialt arbeid og sosialpolitikk
Doktorgradsmoduler innenfor sosialt arbeid og sosialpolitikk
5.0 stp.


The course is an optional course in the PhD Programme in Social Science.

The course focuses on the reciprocal relationships between participation in the labour market and health, and the ways in which these are structured by social stratification. A running theme is how these phenomena and their interrelations are shaped by national and international institutions and contexts. The degree to which Western societies are able to integrate disadvantaged groups in the labour market is arguably one of the most crucial preconditions for their sustainability in the future. The course will apply an interdisciplinary perspective and draw on disciplines and research fields like social epidemiology, health research, sociology, labour market research, political science, and comparative social policy. The course will cover topics like concepts of health, in particular dimensions related to functional status and work capacity; the social distribution of health and its social determinants in different types of societies; international trends and patterns in labour market inclusion and exclusion; pathogenic and salutary aspects of work; policies and measures to include and retain disadvantaged groups in the labour market.


No prior knowledge required


On successful completion of the course, the PhD candidate has the following learning outcomes defined as knowledge, skills, and general competence:


The PhD candidates have

  • thorough knowledge of the links between work and health in Western societies and how they are shaped by social inequalities and institutional contexts.
  • knowledge of the diversity of policies and schemes that are implemented to bring disadvantaged groups (back) into the labour market.
  • knowledge about prominent research traditions and their theoretical and methodological aspects.


The PhD candidates have

  • the ability to make well informed, critical assessments of different theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches to social inequality, health and inclusion in the labour market.
  • a scholarly and systematic basis for designing and conducting studies about inequality, health, work/labour market, and how these interrelationships are influenced by welfare state institutions.

General competence

The PhD candidates are capable of

  • assessing and identifying new research questions in the field.
  • taking part in debates in national and international fora.

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

Teaching is organised as a combination of lectures, group work and presentations of the participants' own projects. The course is in English.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

Participation is mandatory, and candidates are expected to attend all days of teaching. A minor absence (up to 20 %) can  only be accepted under certain circumstances and upon application. In the event of absences that are not approved, candidates will lose their right to have their essays assessed. 

Vurdering og eksamen

Students must write an essay, in English, of 8-10 pages in connection to the course. The essay shall take the candidates project as its point of departure and be related to the course content. The essay must be handed in for assessment no later than two months after the end of the course. A passed essay is a precondition for being awarded the 5 ECTS credits. If the essay is awarded a fail grade, the candidate can submit a revised essay once, by a specified deadline. The essay will be graded by the course lectures.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

All examination support material is allowed as long as source reference and quotation technique requirements are applied. 


Grades are awarded on the basis of pass or fail.


The essay will be graded by the course lectures.