PS9350 Theories in Library and Information Science (7,5 ECTS) Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Theories in Library and Information Science (7,5 ECTS)
Ph.d.-program i samfunnsvitenskap
7.5 stp.


The subject is mandatory for all candidates in the Information, Library and Archival specialization. The candidates are encouraged to complete the course early in their studies.


No prerequisites.



The candidate has in-depth knowledge of

  • the development and institutionalization of library and information science as a field of research
  • an understanding of the concept of information and the relationship between information, knowlege, and culture
  • the intellectual foundation for and theoretical perspective of the field's core areas
  • the academic/professional debate of what the platform of  library and information science consists of



The candidate is able to

  • place his/her dissertation project in a library and information science theory and research tradition
  • communicate with researchers in the field and other students across sub- academic areas that the candidates chose to specialize in
  • reflectively discuss the relationship between library and information science as an area of research and practice

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

The subject consists of seminars, lectures and independent studies. The pedagogical approach involves active participation in seminars/lectures, and commenting on presentations from the other students. 

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

Participation is mandatory and expected in all lectures and seminars. Only a minor absence can be accepted in certain circumstances after application.

Vurdering og eksamen

The candidate shall write an essay of approximately 4.500 - 5.500 words. The essay shall be handed in no later than 2 months after the subject is concluded.

If an essay is considered not passed, the candidate may submit a revised essay once within a specified time.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

All examination support material is allowed as long as source reference and quotation technique requirements are applied. 


Approved/not approved.


The essay shall be assessed by the course coordinator.


The target gourp for this course are doctoral students within the spcialization Information, Library and Archival Studies in the PhD program in Social Sciences at OsloMet. The course will also be open to students admitted to other PhD programs who wish to study the field in depth.

How to apply: 

  • External applicants use Søknadsweb. (Search for OsloMet, then PhD courses, Faculty of Social Sciences.
  • Internal candidates use Studentweb and sign up themselves, or contact the PhD administration.

Required attachments for the application:

  • External applicants must submit a summary of about one A4 page with information about their own PhD project and why this topic is considered relevant for their own project. The summary is uploaded to the Søknadsweb.
  • Internal candidates send the summary to the PhD administration.

The maximum number of course participants is 15.