PHUV9460 Utdanningsvitenskap, politikk og digitale teknologier i kunnskapsalderen Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Educational science, politics and digital technology in the knowledge age
Ph.d.-program i utdanningsvitenskap for lærerutdanning
5.0 stp.


This PhD course focuses on the political dimension of education and digital technologies at macro level (global, national, regional) as well as the consequences for the implementation of digital technologies in the field of practice at the micro level. Theoretically the course is grounded in the field Science Technology Studies (STS). STS represents a humanistic and social science perspective where the unit of analysis is how social and cultural aspects shape the use of technologies in concrete local and social practices. An anti-essentialist understanding of technology stresses the importance of understanding concrete uses of digital technologies within broader cultural, social, political and economic discourses and negotiations in the knowledge age. This perspective represents an important contribution in understanding how scientific research and innovation of digital technologies affects today's education.

Approved by LUI's educational committee 21.03.2022


After completion of the course, the students will have acquired the following learning outcomes, defined as knowledge, skills and general competence.


  • has in-depth knowledge of how policies impact the reform of educational systems and how they support or impede improvements in curriculum, teaching, and student achievement.
  • has in-depth knowledge about analysing the social dimensions of science and digital technologies in the educational field in both curriculum, teaching, and student achievement.


  • Is able to analyse the political, social, economic and legal dynamics that affect policy development and implementation in the educational field.
  • Is able to analyse and critically evaluate the development and implementation of digital technologies in education.
  • Is able to analyse and critically evaluate the scientific and political bases for the introduction of digital technologies in education.
  • Can integrate STS methodologies into own research projects.

General competence

  • Can identify how public policy decision-making related to digital technologies in education at local, state, and national levels have an impact on education institutions, students, and the public.
  • Can develop nuanced readings and critiques of current STS literature
  • Can integrate STS methodologies and perspectives into the candidate’s own research projects.

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

The first part of the course is a seminar given over two non- consecutive days so that the participants have a chance to apply and reflect on the concepts. The working methods include lectures, discussions, practical workshops, as well as student presentations. Candidates are expected to actively participate in all the teaching activities, including presenting their project.

The second part of the course is related to the written paper and includes supervision two to four weeks after the seminar.

Preparations for the course

Students are encouraged to read through parts of the syllabus prior to the course to be able to participate actively in discussions.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

Course Work Requirements

Accepted oral presentation: During the seminar, the candidate prepares a 10 minutes’ oral presentation of their project/topic relevant to the course topic. The presentation can be in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English. Following the presentation there will be a sequence in which the candidate responds to questions and receive comments from the course leader and others.

The purpose of the course requirement is to ensure active participation and discussions in the group, as well as to give constructive and critical feedback to peers.


80 % attendance of the time of the course is required. If a student has attended at least 60 % of the course but less than 80 %, s/he must submit an extra paper of at least 3,000 words plus reference list on a given topic.

Vurdering og eksamen

The candidate writes an individual paper, 2000 - 4000 words plus reference list. The paper must be related to relevant themes in the course syllabus. The paper must be written in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.

If a paper cannot be passed, the candidate must submit one revised version within a given deadline.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

All aids are permitted, as long as the rules for source referencing are complied with.


The learning outcomes serve as criteria for assessment. The grades are "pass" or "fail".


The paper will be assessed by two course coordinators.