MEST4600 Estetiske fag i samfunnet Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Aesthetics in society
Masterstudium i estetiske fag
10.0 stp.


In this course the students will learn to see a broader perspective of the use of art, including its contemporary discourses. The course offers the possibility to delve deeper into one of three chosen areas of study through analyzing theory related to students’ own field of specialization. The course addresses a range of different societal areas. The three specific themes are interdisciplinary and will vary each year based on currents within society and the Arts and are chosen in advance by the course leaders.

The objective of the course is to broaden the students perspective on society, and how their own aesthical skills and knowledge can contribute to societal changes.



The Students

  • have thorough knowledge of the current discourses and central theory of their chosen theme
  • have thorough knowledge of interdisciplinary themes and dialogues across the various aesthetic fields and in societal contexts relating to their chosen theme


Students can:

  • be able to analyze, explore and discuss aesthetic practices on the basis of relevant theory and societal issues
  • use theory engaging in interdisciplinary dialogue, independently and/or together with others to develop new ideas and perspectives.
  • discuss how the aesthetic field can contribute to changes and developments in society
  • write an academic text on master level that apply the chosen theme to practices in the field of their specialization.

General competence:

Students can:

  • articulate relevant societal challenges and explore how aesthetic practice and theory address these challenges in different ways.
  • work together with students from different course specializations to develop new perspectives on societal challenges.

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

The students are given lectures, groupwork and seminars based on different content concerning areas within the practical, aesthical and societal field. The course starts with a common lecture or workshop, before the students choose one of three given societal themes that they delve further into, that have their own set of seminars and lectures.

Examples of topics can be (but are not restricted to): diversity, post-colonialism, sustainability, technology, creative practice/design processes in democracy, learning, aesthetic theory in context with society, framing and performance theory in society. It is natural that the themes in the course should reflect the UN sustainable development goals.

This course is primarily taught in English and the texts/syllabus is in English.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

The following work requirements are mandatory and must be approved to apply for the exam:

  • at least 80 % attendance at classes and seminars.

Vurdering og eksamen

A written individual or pair assignment of 3000-4000 words.

If two students work together the assignement is 4000-5000 words.

If two students work together the assigment should also include a short formal statement of the cooperation (approx 150-300 words).

Exam can be written in English or Norwegian.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen



Graded scale A-F


One internal examiner and a co-examiner evaluates a selection of the exam papers. External sensor is used periodically.


10 ECTS with MEST4111