MAPD5900 Master's Project in Product Design Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Master's Project in Product Design
Masterstudium i produktdesign – design for kompleksitet
30.0 stp.


The Master`s Project in Product Design is a comprehensive and independent theoretical and practical in-depth piece of work. The students should develope and demonstrate insight within relevant research, theories, methods and practice found relevant within the chosen project theme, research question and frames of the study.

The students work in the master´s project is expected to reflect the ability to implement a chosen specialization as an additional approach or focus.   


Completion of all courses from the first three semesters of the master's programme.


After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence: 


The student 

  • has in-depth knowledge of the chosen research area with a clear reference to the field of design
  • manages using relevant scientific theory and design methodology
  • has advanced knowledge to answer research questions using relevant research methods, literature, theory and practice


The student 

  • can facilitate and lead activities in a design process
  • can independently plan and carry out a comprehensive independent research project in terms of a master's project
  • can collect, analyze and critically evaluate relevant sources of information
  • is capable to justify and reflect on decisions made during the master's project adequately and competently 
  • is capable to demonstrate well-argued and documented findings and results through text, visualizations and products
  • can argue and explain their academic positions within the chosen field of study


General competence 

The student 

  • can contribute to new thinking and development of new design knowledge and practice
  • is capable to relate their design process to professional research ethics and sustainable value creation 
  • is capable to critically reflect upon their process and role in relation to achievement
  • is capable to collaborate and involve resource persons in their research

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

The most important teaching and learning methods for this course are individual work, and individual and group tutoring. Students are encouraged to form colloquia groups and establish collaborations with external resource persons and communities. There will be arranged workshops and/or seminars.

If two or more students wish to work together on the portfolio degree project, a written application must be submitted  to the Department of Product Design in connection with the project description 3rd semester. 

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

The following work requirements must be approved in order to be qualified for the exam:

  • approved project description mid-January 
  • one reflection paper 
  • plan for a public presentation of the master thesis, alt: set up a communication strategy for publication of the project 

Vurdering og eksamen

Individual portfolio examination, followed by an oral examination. The master's project portfolio consists of: 

  • a written and visual assignment. (The projects should consist of a written and visual assignment (between 80-120 pages). Material which needs to appear physical (models, maps, posters etc.) could be submitted as part of the master`s project)
  • design process documentation 
  • a product (physical-, digital- or system-oriented)
  • finished material for a presentation of the master thesis in a public common context

The examination result at the portfolio examination can be appealed. 

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

No restrictions.


Grade scale A-F. 

The portfolio exam is given a temporary grade. The oral examination may adjust the final grade up or down a grade. In order to take the oral exam the portfolio examination must have been given a passing grade.


One internal and one external examiner.