MALKA218 Etiske overveielser innen anvendt atferdsanalyse Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Ethical Considerations in the Application of Behavior Analysis
Masterstudium i atferdsvitenskap, deltid / Masterstudium i atferdsvitenskap - spesialisering i begreper og anvendelse
10.0 stp.


Coursework requirements from MALK 4000-401, 4000- 402, MALKA 211 and 212 or equivalent must be approved to participate and submit coursework requirements in MALKA218.


On successful completion of the course, the student has the following learning outcomes

classified as knowledge and competence:



The student

  • can describe a variety of different procedures of applied behavior analysis

  • can explain the processes of such procedures

  • can present ethical dilemmas relevant to behavior analytic research and the applied use of behavior analytic principles

  • can discuss ethical perspective from different traditions of moral philosophy

  • can identify and discuss the ethical guidelines of Behavior Analyst Task List® of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board® (BCBA® and BCABA®)



The student

  • can generalize the principles of behavior analysis to a variety of settings


Meta-ethics, normative ethics and descriptive ethics; Empirically Supported Treatments; motivation; motivational operations; generalization; token economy; precision teaching; learning difficulties; autism; habit disorders; repetitive behavior disorders and treatments; phobias and treatments; behavioral disorders in dementia; conditions of addiction; behavioral pediatric approach.

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

The course will include lectures, exercises, discussions of read literature and oral presentations.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

Students submit 3 written assignments, each with maximum 3 pages including references, according to the deadlines in the course schedule.

Vurdering og eksamen

Individual written examination with invigilation, 4 hours.

Exam questions are in English. Students may submit their exams in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English. 

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen



A grading scale of A (highest) to F (lowest) where A to E is a pass grade and F is a fail grade


One internal and one external examiner