FLKM5000 Master's Thesis Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Master's Thesis
Masterstudium i internasjonal utvikling, utdanning og bærekraft
60.0 stp.


The purpose of the master’s thesis is for the student to conduct an independent, scholarly work. During the work on the master’s thesis, the student is expected to demonstrate the ability to investigate a delimited topic using scientific methods over a limited period of time. The thesis must be based on one or several issues within the thematic field of the master programme: the relationship between education and development in the South, social conditions in the South in a broader context, and relations between the North and the South.

The work on the master’s thesis forms the core of the programme, and the academic training must be seen in light of this. The master’s thesis gives the student the opportunity to document his/her competence at a higher level and make a contribution to the production of knowledge in the field. The work on the thesis is intended to help the student to read research results in a critical and reflective manner, develop scientific and methodological skills, and encourage independent research work and innovation. This should enable the student to see his/her contribution in a wider context, to develop the ability to assess and take a stance on other people’s scholarly contributions, also when this means using other scientific methods and theoretical approaches than those they have chosen to specialise in themselves.


The student must have passed all of the courses in the first year of the study programme and met the coursework and compulsory attendance requirements before he/she can take the final assessment and present the master-s thesis.


After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • has in-depth knowledge in his/her research field of clear relevance to international education and social conditions in the South
  • masters relevant philosophy of science and methodology in his/her field
  • is capable of making a critical and research-based assessment of his/her field's knowledge base


The student

  • is capable of planning and carrying out a research project
  • is capable of arguing for and explaining academic points of view in his/her own field, both orally and in writing
  • is capable of contributing to the development of new research-based knowledge in his/her field
  • is capable of conducting research studies of relevant connections in the field

General competence

The student

  • is capable of disseminating research-based knowledge in the field both orally and in writing
  • is capable of contributing knowledge to the development of his/her field
  • is capable of identifying needs for new knowledge that is relevant to international education and social conditions in the South

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer


Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter


Vurdering og eksamen

The student must have passed all of the courses in the first year of the study programme and met the coursework and compulsory attendance requirements before he/she can take the final assessment and present the master’s thesis.

The basis for assessment is an individual master’s thesis of 37,000 to 45,000 words (excluding the cover page, summary, table of contents, reference list and appendices), followed by an individual oral exam lasting 45 to 60 minutes. The oral exam consists of an examination/conversation about the master’s thesis and a discussion of the literature used in the thesis.

One grade is awarded for the master’s thesis and the oral exam. The grade is set after the oral exam.

If the master’s thesis does not meet the formal requirements with respect to scope, the submission will be registered as ‘failed’. An oral exam will then not be held for the candidate.

Assessment criteria

The master’s thesis will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria:

  • The clarity, relevance and/or originality of the research questions or issues in relation to international education and development
  • Ability to think independently and critically
  • Documentation and use of relevant theory and research, and systematic approach to use of sources
  • Connections between the main issues, research questions, choice of method, discussions and conclusions
  • Ability to collect, systematise, interpret and present knowledge in a logical and easy-to-follow manner in relation to selected theories and perspectives
  • Reflection on ethical issues in the research process
  • Written presentation, clear table of contents, accurate literature references, reference list and appendices

Resit/rescheduled exams

A student will not be allowed to submit a new master’s thesis in the same programme if a pass grade has already been awarded. If a fail grade is awarded for the master’s thesis, the student can submit a new or revised thesis once, cf. Section 5-6 of the Regulations Relating to Studies and Examination at OsloMet. Resit/rescheduled exams are organised in the same way as ordinary exams.

Right of appeal

If a student appeals the grade, both parts of the exam must be re-assessed together. A new oral exam will be held.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

Support material is permitted for the written part.


Letter grades ranging from A to F are used, with A being the highest grade and E the poorest pass grade, and F being a fail grade.


One internal and one external examiner are used.