ACIT4720 Medical sensors and actuators Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Medical sensors and actuators
Master's Programme in Applied Computer and Information Technology
10.0 stp.


The digitalization of medical and health care systems depends on medical devices with perception (i.e., sensing) and control (i.e., actuation) capabilities. To do their work, sensors and actuators require a transduction mechanism, such as that often provided by a mechanical element in the physical sensors. Generally stated, the transduction mechanism converts nonelectrical parameters to electrical ones in a calibrated way.

This course covers the definitions and structure of the sensors and actuators with a focus on medical and health care applications. In addition, the course introduces analytical methods and tools for multivariate calibration and evaluation of sensors and actuators.


No formal requirements over and above the admission requirements.


The student should have the following outcomes upon completing the course:


Upon successful completion of the course, the student should have

  • specialized knowledge to differentiate technologies used for sensors and actuators in medical and health care applications.
  • an advanced technical understanding of the transduction mechanisms and sensory schemes.
  • a good understanding about building a sensor and actuator in specific cases involving medical and health care applications.


Upon successful completion of the course, the student can:

  • categorize sensors and actuators based on their applications.
  • calibrate optical and electrical spectra using multivariate calibration.
  • analyze the performance of sensors and actuators.

General competence

Upon successful completion of the course, the student should:

  • understand the role of sensors and actuators in medical devices.
  • can explain and discus challenges related to sensors and actuators that are applied medical and health care applications to experts and non-experts alike.
  • can design a system that is based on sensors and actuators with a specific transduction mechanism.

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

Lectures and practical semester exercises. The students work both individually and in groups. The groups normally comprise 3-4 students. The student will supplement the lectures and lab with their own reading.

Individual assigments

Practical training

Practical semester exercise.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

The following coursework must be approved before the student can attend the exam:

  • Semester exercise in a group of 3-4 students, resulting in a report between 7500 and 15000 words. The total working load will be approx. 60 hours per student.

Vurdering og eksamen

Individual written exam, 3 hours.

The exam grade can be appealed.

New/postponed exam

In case the number of students in the course is less than five, the exam will be automatically turned into an oral exam. In case of failed exam or legal absence, the student may apply for a new or postponed exam. New or postponed exams are offered within a reasonable time span following the regular exam. The student is responsible for registering for a new/postponed exam within the time limits set by OsloMet. The Regulations for new or postponed examinations are available in Regulations relating to studies and examinations at OsloMet.

In the event of a postponed examination in this course, the exam may be held as an oral exam. Oral exams cannot be appealed.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

A handheld calculator that cannot be used for wireless communication or to perform symbolic calculations. If the calculator’s internal memory can store data, the memory must be deleted before the exam. Random checks may be carried out.


Grade scale A-F


Two internal examiners. External examiner is used periodically.


Professor Peyman Mirtaheri