ACIT4330 Mathematical Analysis Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Mathematical Analysis
Master's Programme in Applied Computer and Information Technology
10.0 stp.


The course focuses on the broad and rigorous approach necessary to do reliable research within the area of analysis and offers a deeper theoretical understanding that can supplement and be leveraged alongside the knowledge and skills from the previous two specialization courses (ACIT4310 Applied Computational and Mathematical Analysis and ACIT4321 Quantum Information Technology).

The course provides a perfect basis for any person who wants to venture into this area. It is also a springboard for functional analysis and operator algebras.

Anbefalte forkunnskaper

A course in analysis at bachelor level is an advantage, preferably with some knowledge of real numbers, cardinality, metric spaces and uniform convergence.




A student who has completed this course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


On successful completion of this course the student:

  • has basic knowledge of point set topology
  • has basic knowledge of measure theory
  • has basic knowledge of Fourier analysis
  • has basic knowledge of complex function theory


On successful completion of this course the student:

  • is able to prove some of the most fundamental results of mathematical analysis
  • is able to apply basic notions and results in proofs and derivations

General competence

On successful completion of this course the student:

  • is able to understand literature within these topics
  • can transfer with trust this understanding to own research.

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

Lectures and tutored exercises.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter


Vurdering og eksamen

Individual oral exam (1 hour).

The oral exam cannot be appealed.

New/postponed exam

In case of failed exam or legal absence, the student may apply for a new or postponed exam. New or postponed exams are offered within a reasonable time span following the regular exam. The student is responsible for registering for a new/postponed exam within the time limits set by OsloMet. The Regulations for new or postponed examinations are available in Regulations relating to studies and examinations at OsloMet.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

No aids are permitted


Grade scale A-F.


Two internal examiners. External examiner is used periodically.


Professor Lars Tuset