Begrunnelse for karakter | Eksamen - Student

Explanation for the determination of a grade

Explanation for the determination of a grade

Procedure for requesting an explanation for the determination of your grade.
  • How do I request an explanation for my grade?

    Students can request an explanation for their grade in Studentweb

    If you want to request an explanation for your grade in connection with oral examinations or assessment of practical skills, you will have to contact the examiner or lecturer immediately after the grade is announced. 

  • Deadlines

    In connection with written examinations, a request for an explanation must be submitted within one week from when the grade was announced. Grades are announced in Studentweb three weeks after your exam.

    When will I receive the explanation?

    You will normally receive the explanation within two weeks after you have submitted your request. The explanation shall state the general principles on which the assessment was based and explain the assessment of your performance. 

    Explanations may be given orally or in writing at the examiner’s discretion.

  • Do you need help?

    If you need help with any of the following, please contact your faculty:

    • Registration for and withdrawal from an exam
    • Oral and practical exams
    • Illness during an exam
    • Exam results
    • Explanation for and appeal against the determination of a grade
    • Diploma and transcript of records
    • Special arrangements of the daily routines of student life
    • Contact your faculty

    The Examination office can help you with the following: