Vocational Didactics and Entrepreneurship in the Subject Skills for Working life Programme description

Programme name, Norwegian
Yrkesdidaktikk og entreprenørskap i arbeidslivsfaget
Valid from
2024 FALL
ECTS credits
30 ECTS credits
2 semesters
Here you can find an example schedule for first year students.
Programme history


Godkjent lærerutdanning med undervisningskompetanse for skolen.

Target group

The target group is people who wish to take a bachelor's degree in pharmacy to qualify for work as a pharmacist with a bachelor's degree and/or as a basis for further studies.

Admission requirements

Opptakskravet er fullført allmenn-/ yrkesfag-, faglærer-, grunnskolelærerutdanning (5-10), PPU eller PPU-Y. Studenter som innvilges studieplass, må være i arbeid som lærer eller ha kontakt med en skole der det er mulig å ta aktivt del i undervisningen i arbeidslivsfaget.

Learning outcomes

Etter fullført studium har kandidaten følgende læringsutbytte definert som kunnskap, ferdigheter og generell kompetanse:



  • har bred kunnskap om spesialpedagogikk som fag- og forskningsfelt, og om etiske utfordringer i spesialpedagogisk arbeid
  • har kunnskap om ulike perspektiver på psykososiale vansker og hvordan slike vansker kan identifiseres, forebygges og avhjelpes
  • har kunnskap om rådgivning, samarbeid og utviklingsarbeid i sektoren



  • kan planlegge, gjennomføre og vurdere spesialpedagogiske tiltak basert på relevante kartleggingsmetoder, for å forebygge og/eller avhjelpe psykososiale vansker
  • kan kritisk anvende rådgivningsferdigheter i spesialpedagogisk arbeid på individ- og systemnivå
  • kan innhente og reflektere over oppdatert spesialpedagogisk fag- og forskningslitteratur på en strukturert måte, og vurdere kvalitet, samt praktisk relevans

Generell kompetanse:


  • kan planlegge og anvende sine kunnskaper og ferdigheter i arbeid over tid for å inkludere barn og unge med særskilte behov
  • kan vurdere og gjennomføre kompetanse- og organisasjonsutvikling i egen organisasjon, og har evne til kritisk refleksjon over egen rolle og utvikling som profesjonsutøver
  • har innsikt i etiske utfordringer, problemstillinger og dilemmaer i spesialpedagogisk arbeid

Content and structure

A candidate who has completed his or her qualification should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The candidate

  • has in-depth knowledge of the physical, chemical and pharmacological properties of key active ingredients
  • has broad knowledge of the structure of the human body, its functions and disease development
  • has broad knowledge of the composition and production of important types of pharmaceuticals, along with their physical, chemical and biopharmaceutical properties
  • has broad knowledge of the effects and use of pharmaceuticals and their role in the prevention and treatment of illness from an individual and societal perspective
  • has broad knowledge of the health service’s structure, division of responsibilities, cooperation and the significance of pharmaceuticals in the health services and society at large
  • has broad knowledge of how system and patient-oriented pharmaceutical services can contribute to quality assuring treatment with pharmaceuticals and maintaining patient safety
  • has basic knowledge of the quality requirements, quality assurance and quality control of pharmaceuticals and related products
  • has knowledge of the significance of cooperation and interprofessional interaction
  • is familiar with the history of pharmacy and the pharmacy profession


The candidate

  • can dispense prescription pharmaceuticals, assess prescription instructions, identify and handle drug related problems, provide information about pharmaceuticals and facilitate user participation in a way that ensures proper medication use
  • can stay up-to-date and apply professional knowledge that ensures rational drug use and responsible medicine administration
  • can communicate pharmaceutical knowledge with professional confidence, both in writing and verbally, to all relevant groups, and can document the healthcare provided
  • masters relevant techniques used in the production of pharmaceuticals
  • can apply systems for quality assurance and control
  • can make use of research-based knowledge, plan and carry out a project in the pharmacy discipline independently, or in cooperation with others, in accordance with generally accepted requirements that apply to the field
  • can make use of research results in professional practice and critically reflect on his/her own professional practice

General competence

The candidate

  • has insight into and an understanding of how drugs work and contribute to creating the best possible level of health, both at an individual and societal level
  • can reflect on his/her own professional practice, and contribute to the development of the academic field and profession
  • can work independently in accordance with acts, regulations and professional ethical guidelines
  • has insight into and can identify, reflect on and handle ethical issues in pharmaceutical professional practice, showing respect for users of pharmaceutical services and providing guidance that safeguards their integrity and rights
  • can plan and implement pharmacy-related laboratory tasks and projects that take place over time, alone or as part of a group
  • can obtain and summarise relevant scientific documentation and distinguish between documented and undocumented information
  • is familiar with innovation processes, and can contribute to service innovation, entrepreneurship and systematic and quality-improving work processes
  • has insight into and an understanding of how pharmacovigilance, quality systems and quality and preparatory work contribute to safe use of medicines and increased patient safety
Optional course Spans multiple semesters

1st year of study

Teaching and learning methods

Studentenes rettigheter og plikter ved eksamen framgår av Forskrift om studier og eksamen ved OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet. Forskriften beskriver blant annet vilkår for ny/utsatt eksamen, klageadgang og hva som regnes som fusk ved eksamen.

Retningslinjer for oppnevning og bruk av sensorer ved OsloMet regulerer bruken av sensorer på studiet.

Work requirements

Arbeidskrav skal være levert innen fastsatte frister. Gyldig fravær dokumentert med for eksempel sykemelding, gir ikke fritak for å innfri arbeidskrav. Studenter som på grunn av sykdom eller annen dokumentert gyldig årsak ikke leverer arbeidskrav innen fristen, kan få forlenget frist etter avtale med faglærer. Ny frist for å innfri arbeidskrav avtales i hvert enkelt tilfelle med den aktuelle læreren.

Arbeidskrav vurderes til «Godkjent» eller «Ikke godkjent». Studenter som leverer arbeidskrav innen fristen, men som får vurderingen «Ikke godkjent», har anledning til én ny innlevering. Studenten må da selv avtale ny innlevering av det aktuelle arbeidskravet med faglærer. Studenter som ikke leverer arbeidskrav innen fristen og som ikke har dokumentert gyldig årsak, får ingen nye forsøk.

Faglig innhold og arbeidsmåter i studiet er knyttet til erfaringsdeling og utvikling av praktiske ferdigheter. Slik læring og ferdigheter kan ikke tilegnes ved selvstudium, men må opparbeides gjennom reell dialog med medstudenter og lærere, både på og mellom samlinger, og ved tilstedeværelse i undervisningen. Det er derfor krav om 80 prosent tilstedeværelse på de synkrone samlingene. Fravær ut over 20 prosent må kompenseres ved et ekstra arbeidskrav etter avtale med faglærer.

Alle arbeidskrav må være godkjente for å kunne avlegge eksamen. Nærmere informasjon om arbeidskravene finnes i den enkelte emneplan.


Internationalisation improves the quality of education and strengthens the academic community pertaining to the programme, at the same time as it prepares the students to become global citizens. The increasing globalisation of the labour market also makes international professional experience, language skills and cultural knowledge more and more important.

The study programme boasts a multicultural student environment and focuses on multicultural and global issues. This contributes to greater understanding and improves the students’ ability to work in a professional capacity in a multicultural society. The students gain access to specialist terminology in English through the use of an English syllabus, which comprises both textbooks and international research literature. Some courses will also be taught in English.

The staff’s network, research collaboration and cooperation with colleagues in other countries contribute to internationalisation. The programme is represented in international pharmacy education networks.

OsloMet has exchange agreements in place with universities and university colleges in Europe. The programme is adapted for study abroad during the entire or parts of the fifth semester, in connection with the courses:

  • FARB3100 Social Pharmacy, Epidemiology and Statistics (10 credits)
  • FARB1070 Technology and Society (5 credits) and
  • FARB3900 Bachelor's Thesis (15 credits)

Students can only go on an exchange if the partner institution offers courses in subject areas corresponding to those covered at OsloMet in the semester the exchange applies to. Reference is otherwise made to the criteria that apply to student exchanges and the information about stays abroad.

In the fifth semester, the institution will also receive students from foreign educational institutions. For incoming students, the programme might for instance offer the following course combinations:

  • NVHIN Supervised research project in the life sciences (15 credits) and FARB3900 Bachelor's Thesis (15 credits).
  • FARB1070 Technology and Society (5 credits) and FARB3100 Social Pharmacy and Epidemiology and Statistics (10 credits) + FARB3900 Bachelor's Thesis (15 credits)

In addition, FARB1300 Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Microbiology (15 credits) in the second semester is offered to incoming students, alternatively in combination with other courses offered at OsloMet in the spring semester.

The courses FARB1300 Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Microbiology, FARB1070 Technology and Society and FARB1060 Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in Health Care are taught entirely in English. Teaching in other courses can be adapted to English for international students as needed.

The students can decide whether they wish to write their bachelor’s thesis in English or Norwegian. Students who go on exchanges must write their thesis in English if the exchange is in a country outside Scandinavia.

Other information

Required coursework is all types of work, tests and compulsory attendance that are requirements for being permitted to take the exam. Required coursework is assessed as approved/not approved. The coursework requirements for each course are described in the respective course descriptions.

The primary purpose of coursework requirements is to contribute to the students' progress and academic development, and to stimulate the students to master the subject matter. The programme has coursework requirements in the form of compulsory attendance and laboratory assignments. Other coursework requirements may apply; see the course descriptions for more information.

Compulsory attendance

Attendance is compulsory for teaching activities that cover subject matter that the student cannot acquire on his or her own, or in teaching activities where cooperation with fellow students is a precondition for carrying out the activities.

A minimum attendance of 80% is required at seminars and compulsory scheduled and supervised group work. A minimum of either 80% or 90% attendance is required for skills training (laboratory courses and practical handling of prescriptions). Other activities may also be subject to compulsory attendance requirements. Detailed provisions on compulsory attendance are set out in the course descriptions and teaching plans.

The attendance requirements must be met before the student can take the exam in the course. Students will be contacted if they are at risk of exceeding the maximum limit for absence. If it emerges that a student has exceeded the limit for absence, the lecturer must assess whether and how the student can compensate for the absence. Whether or not it is possible to compensate for absence depends on the extent of the student's absence and which activities they have missed. Absence from compulsory teaching activities that cannot be compensated for may lead to delayed progress in the programme.

Laboratory reports

In certain laboratory courses, the student must document his/her laboratory work through written reports (lab reports).

Reports that are not approved after the first submission must be improved and re-submitted.