SFV4400 Social Sustainability, social work and Human Rights Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Sosial bærekraft, sosialt arbeid og menneskerettigheter
Study programme
Master Programme in Applied Social Sciences - Study Option International Social Welfare and Health Policy / Masterstudium i sosialfag - studieretning barnevern, deltid / Masterstudium i sosialfag - studieretning barnevern / Masterprogram i sosialfag / Masterstudium i sosialfag - studieretning sosialt arbeid, deltid / Masterstudium i sosialfag - studieretning sosialt arbeid
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2019
Course history


This course provides a deeper insight into normative issues in the field of social work and welfare administration, based on a human rights perspective. Universal issues in social welfare, such as unemployment and income are discussed in light of existing research. The relationship between children's and parents' rights, as well as the safe-guarding of children's rights in social and welfare services, are discussed as topics in the course. Gender and ethnicity are also focused upon.

Required preliminary courses


Learning outcomes

A student who has completed his or her qualification has the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student has extensive knowledge of

  • how the principles of human rights are historically rooted in the development of social work and social welfare human rights in a legal perspective
  • the impact of human rights on working environments within social welfare services
  • the issues and ethical dilemmas related to human rights, children's rights and issues of social justice
  • the safe-guarding of children's rights by the labour and welfare administration
  • children rights in the asylum system: concerns of immigration control and the child´s best interest


The student can

  • analyse the duties of the state in relation to those who apply for economic benefits, and the requirements of applicants when seeking assistance
  • analyse children's rights on the basis of the relationship between children, state and family
  • analyse how the Act on Social Services ensures children's special needs according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN)
  • assess human rights in relation to other normative constraints in society
  • discuss implications of how human rights principles are practiced in different countries
  • discuss and critically evaluate normative perspectives in social research

Teaching and learning methods

The course is organised into a series of lectures and seminars. Students are expected to play an active role. Lectures are given by the course lecturers. Students will also be required to present papers, and discuss course themes during lectures and seminars.

Course requirements

Students shall submit a group work requirement of 3-5 pages, written solely or in groups of 2-3 students. The topic of the work requirement should reflect main areas of the course curriculum and lectures.

The work requirement has two parts: 1) The written paper 2) 10 minutes oral presentation that will be discussed in class. 

Students who have legitimate reasons for being absent will be given another chance to give the oral presentation.  

Both parts of the requirement must be approved. Students who do not receive approval will be given another chance to resubmit their paper. Students who do not complete or do not receive approval for the work requirement will be disqualified from submitting the home examination.


The student's learning outcome will be assessed on the basis of a seven-day written home exam on a topic given by the course lecturers. The length of one's answers is 11 pages (+/-10%).

Norwegian speaking students can choose to write their work requirement and written home examination in Norwegian.

Students who have failed a regular examination are entitled to sit a new examination.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All support material with references is allowed


The home exam will be assessed by an internal and external examiner. The external examiner grades a random sample consisting of approx. 25 per cent of the written exams. The grades given for this sample provide a basis for the internal examiner's assessment. The external examiner will also grade papers where there is doubt about giving a grade of pass. 

Course contact person

Monica Kjørstad