How do I log on to Studentweb?
There are two ways to log on to Studentweb:
- By using your OsloMet username and password
- By using your Norwegian National ID number and PIN code.
What can I use Studentweb for?
Register for the semester
Pay the semester fee
Information about examinations
- Check time and place, deadlines and candidate number for your examinations (My active courses)
- Register for new or postponed examination
- View your examination grades (Results)
Order transcript of records
How to order transcript of records
Order confirmation of study course
You can order a confirmation that you are a student at OsloMet.
Order semester card on paper
If you are not able to use the digital student card, you may order a semester card on paper via Studentweb
- Log on to Studentweb, choose “Orders”, then "Semester receipt"
- Please note that you must have registered for the semester and paid the semester fee to order a semester card.
- The semester card will be sent to your semester address within seven working days.
Change personal information
- Semester address
- Telephone number
- Private e-mail address
Please note: If you have registered your telephone number and private e-mail address in“KORR” (the Common Contac Register), you must change your personal information in “KORR”.
Please note: If you have changed your name, you cannot change the name in Studentweb. You must hand in an original confirmation from the Norwegian National Population Registry Office to the information centre at your faculty
Adjust privacy settings for display of profile picture in OsloMet’s search engines.
You adjust the settings under "Consent", then "Picture reservation on external network”.