NVHIN Veiledet forskningsoppgave innen de naturvitenskapelige helsefagene Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Supervised research project in the life sciences
Life Sciences and Health, Exchange Programme
15.0 stp.


The course provides a supervised introduction to and practical training in research in the chosen field of study in the life sciences. The focus of the supervised research project will depend on the student's academic background, and is created in consultation with the supervisor. The course is designed for visiting students in particular. It will provide the students with an opportunity to take a whole semester at OsloMet. The course has been developed with the bachelor's thesis in mind, and will also form a good basis for continuing work with the bachelor's thesis.

The course will be carried out mainly as an independent work through participation in an ongoing research project in one of our research environments. The students on the course will be supervised by a person in the academic environment or an external partner. Supervision can be given in the form of practical supervision in the laboratory, or guidance when discussing more theoretical research questions. There is a possibility for interdisciplinary cooperation with other programmes at the Faculty of Health Sciences and possibly other programmes at OsloMet.


Any exchange student interested in taking this course should be in a relevant field of study, taking their second to last or final year (or equivalent to the second or third year at OsloMet) and be able to write their bachelor's thesis in English. Admission is subject to available capacity in the course.


After completing the course, the students are expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • has knowledge of the relevant research methods in the subject area
  • is familiar with research ethics issues in the subject area
  • has relevant academic knowledge related to the field of study and the forefront of research the project is part of


The student is capable of

  • applying research-based knowledge to plan and carry out academic work in cooperation with others
  • reflecting on his/her own professional practice
  • making use of supervision, and reflecting on his/her own and other's work
  • carrying out independent work under supervision in current research projects

General competence

The student is capable of

  • sourcing relevant subject material and applying it in their own work
  • conveying key material from the research field the project is linked to, both in writing and verbally

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

Around ten weeks will be dedicated to independent work, and the supervisor will be responsible for following up the student. The student is offered up to 25 hours of supervision on the assignment. This applies to both individual and group assignments.

It is assumed that the student will actively participate in the research environment that the student and the project is part of, and in the academic group activities. The student will be able to use relevant e-learning resources both at the institute and at the faculty. Other relevant learning resources are academic seminars and participation in interdisciplinary cooperation.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

The following required coursework must be approved before the student can take the exam:

  • an oral presentation of the conclusions of the research project (25 minutes) to the academic environment, which the supervisor is part of (around a week before the submission of the written assignment)

Vurdering og eksamen

A written assignment in English, individually or in a group of up to three students. Scope: up to 5,000 words, alternatively in the form of an article.

Resit exam: Candidates can submit a reworked version for re-assessment once.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

All aids are permitted, as long as the rules for referencing are complied with.


Grade scale A-F


All answers are assessed by two examiners. An external examiner is used regularly, at a minimum of every third completion of the course. When selecting answers for external evaluation, a minimum of 10 percent of the answers shall be included, with no fewer than 5 answers. The external examiner’s assessment of the selected answers shall benefit all students.