Administrative procedures and appeals
What is an individual decision?
Decisions you receive in connection with an application relating to admission, exemption or recognition, adaptation and leave of absence, are examples of individual decisions.
Both rejected and granted applications are regarded as individual decisions. You have the right of appeal against individual decisions made by OsloMet.
The subordinate instance and the appellate instance
The Public Administration Act distinguishes between the subordinate instance and the appellate instance. The subordinate instance is the unit that makes the administrative decision. At OsloMet, the faculty is usually the subordinate instance. The appellate instance at OsloMet is the Appeals Committee, that processes all appeals relating to individual decisions.
In case of appeal, the subordinate instance shall first give the case a new assessment. If the subordinate instance accepts the appeal, the case is normally closed. If the subordinate instance rejects the appeal, it will be sent to the Appeals Committee that will make a final decision. The final decision may not be appealed against.
Please note that the Appeals Committee at OsloMet is the subordinate instance in connection with appeals relating to cheating. Appeals against decisions relating to cheating is therefore sent to the Joint Appeals Committee (the national appeals body).