Innovasjonspedagogikk og læringsledelse i yrkesfag Programplan

Engelsk programnavn
Innovation Education and management of learning in Vocational subjects
Gjelder fra
2024 HØST
30 studiepoeng
2 semestre


The programme has a comprehensive profile where academic content, pedagogical activities and practical studies are interconnected. The connection between the learning outcome descriptions, learning activities and forms of assessment are particularly emphasised. Work and teaching methods and the fields of study covered in the programme are organised in a way that promotes both theoretical understanding and practical action competence. The courses build on each other to ensure progress with increasing requirements for knowledge and understanding of the profession. Through critical reflection, ethical competence and professional judgement are gradually developed.

For all nursing programmes, four recurring topics are defined: ethics, patient safety, communication and cooperation and management. The topics are integrated into different courses and described with separate learning outcomes to ensure coherency, connection and progression between courses and academic years. Diversity and big-city health are also emphasised as key perspectives in all three years of the programme.

Each academic year comprises 60 credits, and the expected workload is normally 40 hours per week. This applies both for theoretical courses and during practical training. All the courses conclude with a final assessment.

Learning in groups is particularly emphasised in the study programme. The most important elements to ensure good group processes are safety, well-being, and a sense of belonging. We therefore want all students to feel a sense of belonging to their class throughout the programme. This class will be divided into smaller groups that comprise study groups.

First year of the programme

During the first year, students will receive a basic introduction to nursing as a discipline, profession, and science. Natural science courses make up an important part of the first year of study. This will provide a good basis for studying nursing observation and assessment. Diversity and the lifetime perspective are also recurring topics. The students will receive in-depth knowledge of the human being’s fundamental needs and resources.

The academic year starts with an introductory period where the students get to know their rights and duties. Study groups are established as a work method and expectations of the students' own and other people’s efforts are clarified. Through practical training in the spring semester, the students gain experience of how needs and resources change because of ageing and disease. A central topic in the spring semester is related to illness, health failure, and pharmacology, which gives you good theoretical preparation for the second year of study.

Second year of the programme

The second year of the programme focuses particularly on nursing of people with acute and critical diseases of different ages. Students will also meet patients with progressive and chronic diseases. In addition to theory, students take two long practical training periods where they study nursing of patients and next-of-kin in authentic patient situations in the health services, which can be in either specialist healthcare services or municipal healthcare services. You will be covering both medical and surgical nursing. You will be covering both medical and surgical nursing. In the spring semester, students will also gain insight into health and social perspectives, management, and organisation, in addition to health promoting and preventive health work, that prepares you for the 3rd year of study.

The spring semester is specially adapted for internationalisation at home, as some of the courses are taught in English. In this semester, we also welcome inbound exchange students.

Third year of the programme

In the third year of the programme, the students will study nursing of people with complex health challenges. A significant part of the programme takes place in the practical training field, mainly in different arenas of the municipal health service. The practical training field consists of patients and next-of-kin with different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The courses look at mental health issues and complex health conditions. Management, professional development and interdisciplinary and intersectoral cooperation are key aspects. The bachelor’s thesis is an academic in-depth assignment to be written in the last semester.

Interdisciplinary teaching programmes taught jointly with other programmes at OsloMet 

INTERACT (Interprofessional Interaction with Children and Youths - INTER1100, INTER1200 and INTER1300) is an interdisciplinary teaching programme at OsloMet, where students from both the health and social care subjects and the teacher/kindergarten teacher education programmes meet in interdisciplinary groups. The aim is to ensure that the students acquire the skills needed to meet society’s demands for a better coordination of services that affect children and young people. The teaching activity builds on pedagogical principles of interactivity and spiral learning, with extensive use of digital learning and assessment tools to improve the learning outcomes. The teaching (INTER1100, INTER1200 and INTER1300) is carried out in the first teaching week each spring semester for students in the first, second and third study year.

See https://www.oslomet.no/forskning/forskningsprosjekter/interact for a more detailed description of INTERACT.

Student BEST (Better and systematic team training - SYKK3000/SYKP3000) is a teaching programme in simulation with a focus on interprofessional interaction in acute situations. The aim is better and systematic team training and involves several other professional training courses. Simulation in teams is used as a training method in receiving and stabilising trauma. The focus is communication and interaction in an interprofessional group. The teaching program is carried out during the third year of study.

Requirements for participation in interdisciplinary teaching programmes

There is a requirement for participation in the interprofessional teaching programs INTERACT (INTER1100, INTER1200, and INTER1300) and Student BEST (SYKK3000/SYKP3000), which must be approved to be awarded a diploma.

Progression requirements in the study

Progression requirements are highlighted under prior knowledge requirements in the individual courses.


OsloMet focuses on having a good and developing learning environment that students can thrive in. The work and teaching methods have been developed on the basis of a socio-cultural view of learning, where the overriding principle is to make use of your own thoughts, knowledge and experience. The student's own efforts, individually, or together with others, are decisive for good learning outcomes. Students are expected to prepare ahead of organised teaching activities. Varied work methods are used both in theoretical subjects and in practical training and these can be carried out physically on campuses or on digital platforms. In some contexts, teaching activities only take place on one campus, and students must expect to travel to the relevant location.

The programme also prepares students for the labour market’s requirement of lifelong learning. Students are therefore expected to take ownership of their own learning process throughout the study programme, and will learn to both ‘become a nurse’ and ‘learn how to learn’. Students are also expected to contribute to creating a good learning environment for their fellow students through active participation in the different teaching activities.

Self-study and student cooperation

The attainment of the learning outcomes requires a high degree of self-study. Self-study entails both individual work and cooperation with fellow students, and it entails awareness of how you best learn. Students are recommended to take the initiative to form study groups.

Group work

Group work means working with other students. In the groups, students will discuss each other’s contributions and share knowledge and perspectives. They will gain experience of cooperation and of assessing, developing and disseminating relevant literature. The students will give and receive feedback from others.

Digital learning resources

Digital learning resources are for instance instance OsloMetX https://www.oslomet.no/ub/oslometx, or video clips, podcasts, games, academic texts, articles and interactive assignments used as part of the learning methods. Digital co-writing tools are used in some courses for the purpose of sharing knowledge and producing texts together. Digital self-corrected tests (quizzes) provide an opportunity for the students to practice and test their knowledge of the course content. Students receive an immediate response, which can serve as a basis for their continued learning.

Simulation and skills training (SF-unit)

Simulation and skills training gives the students the opportunity to learn everything from simple practical skills to making assessments in complex patient situations. Simulation and skills training will be a recurring part of the study programme and often taken place in simulation and skills training units (SF-unit) on campus. Reflection before, during and after actions will be emphasised. Some simulations may be filmed. Videos will always be deleted directly after the teaching session unless consent has been given to keep the videos.

Skills training in the programme will not be divided by gender.


Lectures are used either to gain an overview of the course’s content or to delve into a specific topic. Lectures are used particularly when introducing new subject matter.

The flipped classroom

The flipped classroom is when the roles of lecturer and students are reversed, and students work with digital learning resources before attending class. Students work on problem-solving activities during teaching sessions, often in the form of group work or seminars.


Students practice formulating an argument, expressing own opinions and reflecting on own attitudes and actions, in addition to presenting and discussing subject matter and assessing other people’s academic presentations.

Project work

Students study a topic relevant to the programme in depth, and develop skills in the systematic use of methods, including theoretical basis, data collection, analysis, discussion, written formulation and verbal communication.

Interprofessional cooperative learning (TPS)

Interprofessional cooperative learning comprises all ways of working where students participate in

teaching sessions with students from other programmes, or carry out educational activities in a practical training establishment that entail cooperation with professionals from other fields. Interprofessional cooperative learning can be arranged at the university, in the practical training establishment and through digital cooperation (webinars) with students in other countries.

Student BEST – Better and systematic team training

Student BEST is a teaching programme under a cooperation between the nursing-, radiography-, biomedical laboratory sciences and paramedic science programme, specialisation in anaesthesia (master programme) at OsloMet and the medicine programme at the University of Oslo. The learning programme builds on simulation in teams and is used as a training method in the admission and stabilising of trauma patients. The main focus is communication and cooperation in interprofessional groups. The teaching takes place at the SF-units at OsloMet.


Practical training is the parts of the programme that take place in real-life working situations. Practical training is compulsory and worth 90 credits. It is organised in such a way that the students get to work with patients in different age groups and participate in interprofessional cooperation. Through the practical training, students are assigned tasks that provide the opportunity to discover and explore clinical nursing issues, and which require them to work in an evidence-based and person centered manner. The practical training is an important arena for developing new knowledge, skills and competence.

Efforts are made to allow all students to carry out practical training in different arenas. Students must adhere to the practical training establishment's rules for clothing, and the establishment may also have special requirements concerning tests and vaccinations.

Gender-segregated practical training cannot be expected.

The practical training takes place in Oslo and in the Eastern part of the country, and commutes are therefore to be expected. Each week of the practical training is planned with an expected workload of 40 hours, and students are required to attend 90 per cent of the practical training. In the municipal health service, the practical training places will comprise health centres, municipal emergency inpatient units, nursing homes, residential care homes and home-based services; while the practical training places in the specialist health service are mainly in hospitals. A practical training schedule is prepared for each practical training period, and will show an overview of the training during the day, evening, night and weekends and all planned activities. The practical training schedule is a cooperation between the educational institution, practical training establishment and the student.

During the practical training period, students receive supervision from a practical training supervisor and the contact lecturer. The supervision is intended to support the learning process in order for the student to achieve the learning outcomes for the practical training period. The practical training is assessed as passed or failed by the practical training supervisors in cooperation with the contact lecturer at the university.

Students who exceed the maximum permitted absence will fail the practical training period and are deemed to have used one of their attempts. For more information about practical training, see the Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University.

Inspirational practical training

The aim of the inspirational practical training is for students to gain some insight into professional practice and experience of specific nursing tasks early on in the study programme. Groups of two to three students receive supervision preferably from third year students, who have the responsibility for preparing the teaching activities. The inspirational practical training is carried out in the in the first semester.

Project-based practical training

The aim is to delve into issues related to the nursing discipline, elucidated with the help of relevant literature and practical training. Project-based practical training is carried out in groups with supervision from the contact lecturer. The project-based practical training is carried out as part of the courses SYKK/SYKP2200 Public Health and SYKK / SYKP3000 Student BEST.


The increasing globalisation of the labour market makes international experience and knowledge of languages and cultures more and more relevant for the profession. Internationalisation also provides insight into globalisation in general and contributes to improving the quality of the programme and strengthening the academic environment. Knowledge of international conditions is also important for developing knowledge in the nursing discipline.


Students at OsloMet are encouraged to take parts of the programme at an institution abroad. The programme has many partnersany partners abroad that might be relevant for students wanting to go on an exchange. The students can travel on exchange a maximum of 2 times during the study programme. Students can take three to six months of the programme in the fourth, fifth or sixth semester abroad.

In the 4th semester, you can travel abroad for an entire semester for both practical and theory courses at one of our partner universities. You can also travel abroad for theory courses only, after a compressed practical period in Norway. You also can travel for a 3-month public health internship to one of our internship partners. You then follow the subject SYK2900 Public Health in a Global Perspective, (link) https://student.oslomet.no/studier/-/studieinfo/emne/SYK2900/2024/H%C3%98ST

In the 5th semester you will find opportunities for exchange in practice for a whole semester.

In the 6th semester, you can go abroad for a 3-month internship before or after writing your bachelor's thesis, or a whole semester where, in addition to an internship period abroad, you write your bachelor's thesis while you are away. In the 6th semester it is mainly possible to exchange for a 3-month practice.

Criteria for student exchanges and information about stays abroad, can be found here: https://student.oslomet.no/utveksling

Internationalisation at home

The study programme boasts a multicultural student environment and focuses on cultural diversity and global issues. This approach contributes to greater understanding and improves the ability to work in a professional capacity in a diverse society. The English literature in the syllabus provides students with experience in reading academic literature and international research. An understanding of English academic literature is important to be able to actively participate in the international nursing community.

Academic staff affiliated to the study programme are part of international networks and research cooperation. Cooperation with colleagues from other countries contributes to internationalisation, for instance by inviting guest researchers and lecturers to OsloMet. This mainly takes place in the fourth semester, where the course SYKK/SYKP2200 Public Healt is carried out. In this course you study together with students who are on exchange to OsloMet and much of the teaching is arranged with English-speaking groups.

You will also be offered to participate in shorter international activities, at OsloMet or abroad. This can, for example, be in the form of COIL, BIP or international weeks in different courses.

Innhold og oppbygging

Required coursework is all types of work, tests and compulsory attendance that are requirements for a student to be assessed/permitted to take the exam. Required coursework is assessed as approved/not approved. The coursework requirements for each course are described in the relevant course description.

The purpose of the coursework requirements is to:

  • promote progress and academic development
  • encourage students to seek out and acquire new knowledge
  • facilitate cooperation on and communication about nursing issues

The programme has coursework requirements in the form of compulsory attendance, oral presentations, written assignments and tests. The coursework requirements are designed in a way that helps students to develop competence in line with the learning outcome descriptions in the course. Students are normally given three attempts at passing the required coursework. As far as possible, the second attempt will be given before the ordinary exam/assessment, unless otherwise stated in the course description. A third and final attempt is normally given before resit and rescheduled exams. If a piece of required coursework is not approved, this may lead to delayed progress in the programme. Required coursework is carried out individually or in groups.


Attendance is compulsory for teaching activities covering subject matter that the student cannot acquire on his or her own. These requirements are made more concrete and visible in the course plans.This means that there is a requirement for attendance of 80 % in theory studies or 90 % in practical training in timetabled activities that are marked as compulsory.

If a student exceeds the maximum limit for absence, the person responsible for the course/lecturer will consider whether it is possible to compensate for absence by meeting alternative requirements, for instance oral or individual written assignments. Whether or not it is possible to compensate for absence depends on the extent of the student’s absence and which activities he/she has missed.

Written and digital work

Written and digital coursework requirements can be written work, work submitted in various forms, multiple choice questions etc. Coursework requirements that are not approved must normally be improved or retaken. The person responsible for the course/lecturer will assess whether alternative coursework can be carried out. This is agreed between the individual student/group and the person responsible for the course/lecturer.


Compulsory activities can include oral presentations, observation, participation in specific courses and workshops, simulation, practical skills tests, supervision etc. Coursework requirements that are not approved, must normally be improved or retaken. The person responsible for the course/lecturer will assess whether alternative coursework can be carried out. This is agreed between the individual student/group and the person responsible for the course/lecturer.

Valgfritt emne Løper over flere semestre

1. studieår

1. semester

2. semester

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

Different forms of assessment are used on the programme that are adapted to the learning outcomes of the various courses. The forms of assessment used are intended to support learning and document that the students’ competence is adequate in relation to the applicable learning outcomes. During the programme, the students will be given advice, supervision and assessments of their performance. It is important and necessary to assess students’ knowledge and skills often, so that the students receive feedback on whether their performance is in line with the programme's requirements and whether they have achieved the learning outcomes.

The assessment of exams and practical training is carried out in accordance with the applicable rules set out in the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges, the Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, and the Guidelines for Appointment and Use of Examiners at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University.

All courses taken will be stated on the diploma. In addition, the compulsory interdisciplinary teaching programs are highlighted on the diploma.


The grades used are pass/fail or a grade scale with letter grades from A to F, where A is the highest grade, E is the lowest pass grade and F is a fail. Other teaching programs can be graded Approved-not approved. In connection with group exams, all students in the group are awarded the same grade.

Resits/rescheduled exams

Resit and rescheduled exams are carried out in the same manner as the ordinary exam unless otherwise specified in the course description. In special cases, resit and rescheduled exams in courses with group exams may be held as individual exams.

Appeals against grades

Grades awarded for written exams can be appealed. It is not possible to appeal the grades awarded for oral and practical exams. In connection with group exams, the result of an appeal will only have consequences for the candidate(s) who submitted the appeal. The other students will keep their original grade.

Assessment of practical training

Practical training is assessed as pass or fail and is assessed by the practical training supervisors in cooperation with the contact lecturer at the university. The final decision on whether to award a pass or fail grade is made by the university.

The assessment takes its point of departure in given criteria based on learning outcomes for the course, assessment criteria, the continuous assessment, the suitability assessment, and compulsory activities carried throughout the practical training.

To pass the practical training, the student also must have met the compulsory attendance requirement. The practical training requires at least 90% attendance.

  • Less than 10% absence: The student can complete the practical training course as normal.
  • Between 10–20% absence: If possible, the student can make up for the practical training missed. This must be agreed with the practical training supervisor and the supervisor at the university.
  • More than 20% absence: The student must retake the whole clinical training course.

If the student exceeds the maximum limit for absence and does not have a valid dokumented absence, the practical course will be registered as failed and count as an attempt.

If the student has failed the practical training twice, he/she must normally leave the programme. Reference is also made to the Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations at OsloMet.

One or more of these criteria is the basis for the grade Failed in practical training in bachelor's Programme in Nursing at OsloMet:

The student:

  • has not complied with the attendance requirement or failed to attend practice training without a valid reason and without giving notice
  • has not achieved learning outcomes and completed compulsory activities / written documentation made visible in the assessment form established for the practical training period
  • has endangered the patient's life and health by going beyond the limits of their own competence
  • has not requested or taken into account guidance, or shown a willingness to acquire a lack of knowledge or competence
  • shows a lack of self-insight
  • shows a lack of language and/or communication skills

Suitability assessment

The suitability assessment is a continuous overall assessment that takes place throughout the study programme. Diplomas for the completed programme will only be awarded to graduates who are suited to practise the profession. If the student shows signs of posing a threat to patients’ and/or colleagues' physical and mental health, rights and safety, questions should be raised about whether the person is fit to practice the profession. Staff from the university or the practical training establishment and fellow students can submit a notification of reasonable doubt. Students must be informed as early as possible that the notification has been submitted. They will be given supervision and advice on how to improve, or be advised to leave the programme.

The aim is to assess whether the students have the professional and personal preconditions required to work as a nurse. More detailed provisions about the assessment of suitability can be found here https://student.oslomet.no/en/suitability-assessment

Transfer discussion If a student or subject teacher/contact teacher reports a need for a transfer discussion, an interview can be called before the next course. In some cases, the head of studies and a representative of the Section for Academic Affairs may also attend.

The purpose of the transfer discussion is to clarify how the student can implement their learning outcomes in the best possible way in the next course, by facilitating various learning challenges and guidance needs.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

The study programme is based on the national regulations relating to a common curriculum for health and social care education adopted by the Ministry of Education and Research on 6 September 2017, and the regulations relating to the national guidelines for nursing education adopted on 15 March 2019, with amendments of 1 December 2019. Nursing education in Norway is also subject to an EU directive. The directive concerns provisions regarding approval of academic qualifications for regulated professions in the EU and EEA. The study programme is in accordance with Directive 2005/36/EC on approvals of professional qualifications, with later amendments including Directive 2013/55/EU.

Approved by the Academic Affairs Committee at the Faculty of Health Sciences, 21 November 2019

Last adjusted by the Academic Affairs Committee at the Faculty of Health Sciences 6 December 2023

and by the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences 24 April 2024

Faculty of Health Sciences

Department of Nursing and Health Promotion

Year 2024

Vurdering og sensur

Høst: Emne INP6100 Læringsledelse i innovasjonsprosesser. 15 studiepoeng. Prosjekteksamen i gruppe på to til fire kandidater*. Bestått/ikke bestått.

Vår: Emne INP6200 Læringsledelse, mangfold og inkludering. 15 studiepoeng. Individuell prosjekteksamen. Gradert karakter A-F.

(*) Det kan i særlige tilfeller søkes om å levere eksamen individuelt.

Innlevering av eksamensoppgave er ved avslutning av hvert emne. For informasjon om bruk av sensorer, se den enkelte emneplan.

Det kan klages over karakterfastsetting og på formelle feil i samsvar med bestemmelsene i lov om universiteter og høgskoler, jfr. også forskrift om studier og eksamen ved OsloMet.

Ved klage på karakter etter gruppeeksamen kan klage framsettes av enkeltstudenter eller hele gruppen. Evt. ny karakter gjelder for den studenten/de studentene som har klaget.

Studentenes rettigheter og plikter ved evt ny/utsatt eksamen framgår av forskrift om studier og eksamen ved OsloMet. Studentene er selv ansvarlig for å melde seg opp til eventuell ny/utsatt eksamen.

Øvrig informasjon

Programplan for innovasjonspedagogikk og læringsledelse i yrkesfag

Innovative Education and Management of Learning in Vocational Subjects

30 studiepoeng


Studieprogramkode: INPO




Godkjent av prodekan for studier ved LUI 25.02.2020

Gjeldende fra høstsemesteret 2020.

Fakultet for lærerutdanning og internasjonale studier

Institutt for yrkesfaglærerutdanning