BAL2200 Samfunnsvitenskapelig metode Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Research Methods in the Social Sciences
Bachelorstudium i administrasjon og ledelse i offentlig virksomhet
Enkeltemner innenfor administrasjon og ledelse, og velferdsfag
Årsstudium i organisasjon og ledelse
10.0 stp.


Emnet omhandler grunnleggende kunnskap som er nødvendig for å lese, forstå og forholde seg kritisk til samfunnsvitenskapelig forskning. Det omfatter basiskunnskaper i vitenskapsteori, kvalitativ og kvantitativ forskningsmetode. Samfunnsvitenskapelig metode er grunnleggende kunnskap som gjør det lettere å lese og forstå forskning og kilder i studiets emner. Emnet gir ferdigheter som er spesielt relevant for arbeidet med bacheloroppgaven.


Ingen forkunnskapskrav.


In this course, students will acquire knowledge and insights that will lay the foundation for practical entrepreneurship in technology. The student will be exposed to and learn from a number of examples partly based on guest lectures held by current technology entrepreneurs and others with start-up company experience, and partly through case studies and the development of new business plans and models in student projects. In this way, the student will gain an understanding of practical issues and challenges that a start-up company may face, as well as potential solutions to these.

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

None beyond general admission requirements.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:


  • Possess knowledge about different forms of entrepreneurship
  • Understand key concepts related to entrepreneurship
  • Be aware of available financial sources for start-up companies
  • Possess knowledge about different factors that affect the process from idea to start-up business
  • Know different types of surveys and analysis that can be used in a business plan to assess the potential of a start-up company.


  • Develop simple business models and a business plan
  • Conduct simple market research
  • Carry out patent applications and "freedom to operate"-analysis

General competence:

  • Carry out minor analysis of existing and planned start-up companies
  • Understand the connection between innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Understand how different factors affect the entrepreneurial process

Vurdering og eksamen

Lectures and tutorials. The student works individually and in groups (two to four students).

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen



Portfolio assessment with the following portfolio requirements:

  • A group project (2-4 students)
  • An individual project

For the portfolio assessment, a comprehensive assessment is given with one final grade. Exam results can be appealed. In the case of a postponed examination, a different form of examination may also be proposed and used or a new assignment with a new deadline will be given. If an oral examination is used, its final grade cannot be appealed.


All aids are allowed as long as the rules for source referencing are followed.


Graded scale A-F.