ØAADM3300 Cross-Cultural Communication Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Cross-Cultural Communication
Bachelorstudium i økonomi og administrasjon
Oslo Business School, Exchange Programme
7.5 stp.


The aim of the course is to provide the students both with the theoretical basis of cross-cultural communication and to develop their practical skills in dealing with cross-cultural encounters in the global workplace.

Language of instruction is English.

Anbefalte forkunnskaper

It is an advantage, but not obligatory, that the students have taken a course in Professional English at Oslo Business School.

The course in Cross-Cultural Communication deals with some issues that are relevant for the course in Negotiations.




After completing the course, the student should have the following overall learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • knows various definitions of culture
  • has broad knowledge about various business cultures
  • has general knowledge of the main patterns of cross-cultural business behaviour
  • has knowledge of various aspects of cross-cultural communication, management and interaction
  • has knowledge about verbal and non-verbal communication in various cultures
  • knows the most influential theories of cross-cultural communication


The student

  • can deal with intercultural challenges in professional situations in the business world
  • can communicate well within a professional, intercultural context
  • can work well in international teams
  • can interact in cross-cultural business situations while taking into account differences of business customs and behavior
  • can analyze, compare and contrast different business cultures
  • is able to discuss and reflect on various aspects of cultural differences
  • can present and discuss business issues in an international and intercultural context

General competence

The student

  • can apply his/her knowledge of cross-cultural communication and business cultures in professional situations
  • can function well in most professional intercultural situations
  • has developed his/her cultural sensitivity

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

The pedagogical approach includes:

  • Lectures, group work, discussions, case work
  • Student presentations
  • Independent study

Regular attendance and active participation in classroom activities are expected.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

The following coursework requirements must have been approved in order for the student to take the exam:

  • Coursework 1: An oral presentation on an assigned topic, 2 or 3 students together (10-15 minutes per group)
  • Coursework 2: An individual written assignment - application of theory to a specific case (2-3 pages)

Feedback will be given on both assignments.

The purpose of these assignments is to make the students reflect on and use the syllabus actively and help them prepare for the exam in Cross-Cultural Communication.

All required coursework must be completed and approved by the given deadline in order for the student to take the exam. If one or more coursework requirements have not been approved, the student will be given one opportunity to submit an improved version by the given deadline.

Vurdering og eksamen

The exam in the course is a supervised exam of 4 hours.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

The following aids are permitted:

  • One dictionary: Native language-English / English-native language or English-English


Grade scale A - F


The written exam will be assessed by one internal and one external examiner.


Sigrid Brevik Wangsness