Peace and conflict studies in Nepal (in collaboration with Kulturstudier) - Student

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Peace and conflict studies in Nepal (in collaboration with Kulturstudier) Studieinformasjon

Høst 2024
Full time


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Emner og pensumlister

Peace and Conflict Studies

Studiepoeng 30.0


Studying at OsloMet and Kulturstudier:


Guidelines to being a student at OsloMet

Welcome to the course! Please read the information about your semester start carefully.

If you are qualified for the admission to this study course, you will receive a Letter of Admission as soon as your application in  Søknadsweb (application portal) has been processed. The Letter of Admission will be sent to your private e-mail address, which you have specified in your application in Søknadsweb.

You will also be sent an e-mail with the information about your username and access to IT services at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet). For more information, please see the guidelines.

To activate your IT-account, please follow this link

In order to retain your admission to your study course at OsloMet, you have to complete your semester registration and pay your semester fee. The registration and payment deadline for the autumn and spring semester is respectively September 1 and February 1. Please, note that you have to activate your IT-account in order to be able to log in to Studentweb. In Studentweb you can register for your semester at OsloMet and find your payment details. Log in with your student number and password.

To log in to Studentweb, please follow this link

Please make sure to check your account in Studentweb regularly. On the Studentweb Iinformation about your exam submission deadlines, exam candidate number(s) and exam results will be published in Studentweb. Here you can also register for the re-sit exam and order a transcript of records as soon as you have completed your study course at OsloMet. Please, make sure to update your contact (semester) address in Studentweb as your transcript of records will be sent to this address.

Please, activate your IT-account, complete your semester registration and transfer you payment before you travel to the country of your studies. In case you fail to register for the semester and pay the fee within the deadline, your admission to the study course at OsloMet will be cancelled.

The Study Administration at OsloMet can be reached at Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have technical problems with your IT-account or any digital systems and services at OsloMet, or, otherwise, need any administrative support relating to your studies at OsloMet.

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