International Connections and International Sign among Deaf People Programme description

Programme name, Norwegian
International Connections and International Sign among Deaf People
Valid from
2024 FALL
ECTS credits
15 ECTS credits
1 semester
Here you can find an example schedule for first year students.
Programme history


See the course description.

Target group

See the course description.

Admission requirements

The admission requirement is Higher Education Entrance Qualification. Reference is made to the Regulations relating to Admission to Studies at OsloMet.

Although there are no formal requirements regarding current/personal level of sign language competence and mastery of English, a certain mastery of at least one signed language as well as written English is necessary to participate in course activities and complete the coursework requirements.

Learning outcomes

See the course description.

Content and structure

See the course description.

Optional course Spans multiple semesters

1st year of study

Teaching and learning methods

See the course description.


See the course description.

Work requirements

See the course description.


See the course description.

Other information

Approved by the Academic Affairs Committee at the Faculty for Teacher Education and International Studies 16 June 2020. Established by the Dean 18 June 2020.