SKOMPPRA20 Nursing Persons with Mental Health Problems Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Sykepleie til mennesker med psykiske lidelser
Study programme
Supplementary education for nurses educated outside the EU/EEC
Supplementary education for nurses educated outside the EU/EEC
15.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


In this course, students will learn about mental health work, relational skills and factors that promote and harm the mental health of individuals and groups. People's resources and opportunities, but also their vulnerabilities as individuals, are areas of focus. The significance of close relationships and society's influence are important for mental health and are emphasised in the course. This includes patient phenomena such as hope and hopelessness, pain and pain relief, exhaustion and energy. You will complete 7 weeks of practical training in this course.

Required preliminary courses

Passed the course SKOMP1000.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills, and general competence:


The student

  • can present mental health work in a historical perspective
  • can reflect on factors that inhibit and promote mental health at individual and group level
  • can s discuss how psychosis, personality disorders, anxiety, mood disorder and drug addiction can influence the patients’ fundamental needs and self-understanding
  • can describe mental health and psychosocial challenges among refugees and immigrants and how for example stigma, exclusion, discrimination, and racism can influence mental health and psychosocial health
  • can describe strategies for mastery and concepts such as improvement processes, user participation, recovery, and empowerment
  • can account for various mental disorders and the consequences for person-centered nursing
  • can explain how framework factors such as current legislation and compulsory regulations can be of significance to the practice of nursing in mental health work
  • can discuss the special needs of children and young people related to trauma, neglect, violence, abuse and drug and socio-economic problems


The student

  • can apply key milieu therapeutic principles related to patients with mental disorders
  • can apply knowledge about the main groups of psychotropic drugs and integrate knowledge from disease theory in assessing the effects and side effects of drugs
  • can apply communication and interaction skills when encountering people with mental health issues and their next-of-kin and can establish, maintain, and terminate relationships
  • can map symptoms of various mental and drug-related disorders and conditions and use relevant mapping tools in the practice of nursing
  • is capable of continuously assessing situations that entail a risk for patients and/or staff and preventing unwanted incidents

General competence

The student

  • can reflect on his/her own professional practice and power structures when encountering people with mental health issues and drug addictions and and receive guidance and feedback
  • can reflect on existing procedures and methods, and taking the initiative to engage in dialogue about the implementation of new knowledge and new work methods in person-centred nursing and in interdisciplinary collaboration

Teaching and learning methods

Practical training: in Municipal health service/Specialist health service, Mental health (7 weeks), including self-study, simulation, digital learning resources, lectures and seminars.

The flipped classroom is used as a teaching method for part of the course. Digital learning resources will be made available in advance.

Course requirements

Practical training has requirements for attendance 90 %. The student fills in a self-presentation for the start of the practice and self-assessment for the mid- and final assessment. Other compulsory activities included in the assessment of practical training are:

  • Participation in seminar.
  • Simulation, relational skills and cooperation.
  • Reflection assignment, individual assignment on ethics, power and legislation related to the student's own experience from practical training. Scope of 1000 words (+/- 10%).


Assessment in practice.

The assessment takes its point of departure in given criteria based on learning outcomes for the course, criteria for failing the practical training, criteria for suitability assessment and compulsory activities carried throughout the practical training. Students’ practical training can only be assessed if their attendance is sufficiently high (90%). For more information, see the general part of the programme description about the assessment of practical training.

If the student has failed the practical training, the whole practical training course must be retaken. This includes associated requirements.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

Not relevant.

Grading scale



Contact lecturer approves grade after recommendation from practical training supervisor. The final decision on whether to award a pass or fail grade is made by the university.

Overlapping courses

SYKKPRA50x, SYKPPRA50x and SKOMPPRA20 are fully overlapping.