SKOMPPRA10 Clinical studies, Homebased Services/Nursing Home Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Praksisstudier i eldreomsorg og geriatri
Study programme
Supplementary education for nurses educated outside the EU/EEC
Supplementary education for nurses educated outside the EU/EEC
13.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2024
Course history


The course starts with practice preparation weeks consisting of lectures and simulation. You will complete 8 weeks of practical training in this course.

Required preliminary courses

Admission to the programme.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • can give an account of the health-promoting, preventive, rehabilitating and alleviating function of nurses, including knowledge about palliative care
  • can explain ageing processes and the special needs of the elderly
  • can explain clinical assessment processes in nursing for the purpose of addressing the patient’s basic needs and improving his/her own resources in the course of the illness
  • can explain the concept of patient-centred nursing
  • can give an account of the management and organisation of the health service
  • is familiar with tools and methods for running innovation processes, implementation and continuous improvement work
  • can elaborate on challenges relating to information security in nursing practice


The student can

  • provide nursing care that attends to the patient’s basic needs and resources, with a focus on patients with permanent or recurring medical conditions
  • organise, manage and coordinate nursing care for a group of patients
  • use relevant medical/technical equipment og sykepleieprosedyrer
  • apply infection control measures to prevent the spread of unwanted microbes
  • apply mapping, assessment, documentation and communication tools in nursing practice
  • reflect on and handle ethical issues, and adjust his/her practices in the performance of duties
  • provide drug administration and consider relationships between multi-diagnoses, polypharmacy and the patient’s condition
  • use knowledge of legislation with particular focus on user participation and competence to give consent, internal control, the right to immediate assessment and treatment
  • inform, teach and provide guidance to patients and next of kin about problems that arise in connection with illness, suffering and death
  • use technology and digital solutions to support patients’ and next-of-kin’s resources, mastering possibilities and participation
  • use knowledge about cultural competence and cultural literacy in the assessment, planning, provision and evaluation of nursing care
  • adapt communication to the target groups’ special needs
  • can apply knowledge-based practice

General competence

The student

  • can engage in cooperation across disciplines, professions, sectors, enterprises and levels, and initiate such cooperation
  • can exchange points of view and experience with others in the field and in this way contribute to developing good practice
  • can plan and carry out communication and interaction with patients and next of kin based on the principles of respect, co-determination and integrity
  • can plan and carry out targeted cooperation processes with patients, next of kin and other practitioners, and can prevent and resolve conflicts
  • can reflect on his/her own professional practice and power structures when working with elderly people

Teaching and learning methods

Practical training in primarily nursing homes (eight weeks), supervised by a practical training supervisor and contact teacher, as well as simulation and skills training. Lectures and seminars with a contact teacher where current topics are explained based on the learning outcomes

Students will receive one week of preparatory theoretical teaching and simulation before embarking on eight weeks´ clinical training with direct patient contact.

Course requirements

Practical training has requirements for attendance 90 %. The student fills in a self-presentation for the start of the practice and self-assessment for the mid- and final assessment. Other compulsory activities included in the assessment of practical training are:

  • Assignment 1 Clinical assessment processes and documentation in nursing related to a primary patient
  • Assignment 2 Knowledge-based practice (KBP)
  • 1 log


Assessment of clinical training

The assessment takes its point of departure in given criteria based on learning outcomes for the course, criteria for failing the practical training, criteria for suitability assessment and compulsory activities carried throughout the practical training. Students’ practical training can only be assessed if their attendance is sufficiently high (90%). For more information, see the general part of the programme description about the assessment of practical training.

If the student has failed the practical training, the whole practical training course must be retaken. This includes associated requirements.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

Not relevant.

Grading scale



Contact lecturer approves the exam after recommendation from practical training supervisor. The final decision on whether to award a pass or fail grade is made by the university.

Overlapping courses

Some of the content overlaps with the courses SYBA/SPRA1, 2 and 6.