PENG9590 Advanced Topics in Robotics and Control Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Advanced Topics in Robotics and Control
Study programme
PhD Programme in Engineering Science
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


The course covers topics selected for their particular relevance to the students' intended doctoral thesis. The material for the course is composed in collaboration with the thesis supervisor, and the course proceeds as a self-study under expert supervision. The course is completed by student giving a seminar on a particular topic within the scope of the course material.

Recommended previous experience: Master’s degree in robotics and control, or related field. Basic mathematical knowledge in calculus, mechanics, linear algebra, statistics, probability theory, and programming.

The course will be offered once a year, provided 3 or more students sign up for the course. If less than 3 students sign up for a course, the course will be cancelled for that year.

Required preliminary courses


Learning outcomes

Students who complete the course are expected to have the following learning outcomes, defined as knowledge, skills and general competence:


On successful completion of the course, the student:

  • has in-depth knowledge within specific topics in robotics and control that supplement the specialisation syllabus.
  • is at the forefront of knowledge within the topic of his/her doctoral thesis project.
  • has a profound understanding of the state-of-the-art and the latest developments in the field relevant to his/her doctoral thesis.


On successful completion of the course, the student can:

  • apply theoretical knowledge, scientific methods and simulation tools suitable for solving complex robotics and control problems.
  • plan and conduct scholarly work within the topic of his/her the doctoral thesis project.
  • analyse existing theories, methods and standardised solutions on practical and theoretical engineering problems.

General competence

On successful completion of the course, the student:

  • is competent in literature study, self-study and research-based learning
  • can apply his/her knowledge and skills to carrying out advanced tasks and projects.
  • can communicate issues, analyses and solutions to both specialists and non-specialists.
  • can assess the need for, and initiate innovation in his/her field of expertise.

Teaching and learning methods

The course is carried out by research-based learning and a major study based on individual work, and is supervised by one or more supervisors (internal/external).

Course requirements



The exam consists of individual assignment (report), and an oral seminar and examination (30 minutes per student), of which both must be passed in order to pass the course.

The oral examination cannot be appealed.

Grading scale

Pass or fail.


Two internal examiners. An external examiner is used periodically.