PENG9520 Finite Element Modelling and Simulation of Structures Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Finite Element Modelling and Simulation of Structures
Study programme
PhD Programme in Engineering Science
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


The course teaches advanced topics in finite element modelling and simulation of structures such as reinforced concrete, steel and timber structures. The course will also expose students to some of the recent trends and research areas in FEM.

All physical structures exhibit nonlinear behaviour to some extent, and the assumptions of linearity are often simplistic and inadequate for real-life structures. In such cases, linear analysis is only an approximation that makes the analysis of structures more tractable. The analysis of a structure undergoing some form of nonlinear behaviour will be much more accurate if a nonlinear finite element analysis is carried out. Nonlinearities can be caused by changes in geometry or by nonlinear material behaviour. This is an advanced course which follows up on linear FEM and is based on the extension of formulation of the FE equilibrium equations to the nonlinear domain, covering both types of nonlinearities.

The course will be offered once a year, provided 3 or more students sign up for the course. If less than 3 students sign up for a course, the course will be cancelled for that year.

Recommended preliminary courses

The course is based on knowledge and skills within solid mechanics, statics, design of reinforced concrete and steel structures as well knowledge in finite element method (FEM) in structural analysis and design.

Required preliminary courses

No formal requirements over and above the admission requirements. The course is based on knowledge and skills within solid mechanics, statics, design of reinforced concrete and steel structures as well knowledge in finite element method (FEM) in structural analysis and design.

Learning outcomes

Students who complete the course are expected to have the following learning outcomes, defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


On successful completion of the course, the student:

  • can interpret the philosophy behind principles, design and modelling considerations in using finite element methods (FEM) in analysis and design of structures.
  • can describe the general steps used in FEM to model and solve complex nonlinear problems in structural analysis and design.
  • has detailed knowledge of solution methods for nonlinear static problems, and some knowledge on solution methods for nonlinear dynamic problems.
  • has detailed knowledge of nonlinear geometry and nonlinear material models (elastoplastic and others) and the applications of these models in structural analysis.
  • can explore the complex issues in convergence of solutions using nonlinear FEM.


On successful completion of the course, the student can:

  • demonstrate the ability to use FEM to produce a reliable prediction of displacements and stresses in nonlinear structural problems of relevance to engineering practice.
  • create and design complex engineering structures using finite element methods.
  • develop expertise in the usage of commercial finite element software for both linear and nonlinear analysis of complex structures.

General competence:

On successful completion of the course, the student can:

  • use advanced commercial FEM software.
  • understand the importance of verification and validation in research and demonstrate the ability to make critical assessments
  • communicate effectively through written reports.

Teaching and learning methods

Seminars, exercises, project assignment (scholarly work), scientific report and oral presentation.

Course requirements

The following required coursework must be approved before the student can take the exam:

Compulsory assignments. Obligatory attendance at practical training.


A project assignment and oral presentation.

Both exams must be passed in order to pass the course.

The oral exam cannot be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All support material is allowed.

Grading scale

Pass or fail.


Two internal examiners. External examiner is used periodically.