PENG9200 Scientific Research Methods and Data Analysis in Engineering Science Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Scientific Research Methods and Data Analysis in Engineering Science
Study programme
PhD Programme in Engineering Science
5.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


Grade scale A-F.

Recommended preliminary courses

Master's degree in engineering science or related fields. Students are expected to have a basic understanding of the various phases of planning and implementing a research project and the academic writing process, including literature reviews, and analysing and reporting data

Required preliminary courses

Two internal examiners. External examiners are used regularly.

Learning outcomes

The student is expected to have the following outcomes on completion of the course:


On successful completion of the course, the student:

  • has advanced knowledge of the research process.
  • has advanced knowledge of data collection techniques relative to engineering sciences.
  • can critically assess the usefulness of using qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methodologies in the engineering sciences.
  • has a high-level command of qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis relative to his/her field of study.


On successful completion of the course, the student can:

  • construct a problem statement or research question and evaluate its soundness.
  • create technically and scientifically sound research proposals.
  • select a methodology to address a research problem.

General competence:

On successful completion of the course, the student can:

  • distinguish and formulate research problems.
  • develop and critically assess the components of a research proposal.
  • critically reflect on the nature of research, scientific practice and knowledge

Teaching and learning methods

The course builds on the courses DATA1200 (client-side programming) and DAPE/ITPE1400 Programming (Java programming) or the equivalent. It is an advantage if the students master or have taken the courses DATS/ITPE1600 Program Development and ADTE/ITPE1700 Web Programming (server-side programming) or the equivalent.

Course requirements

80% obligatory attendance.


Students have to write an individual report.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All aids are permitted.

Grading scale

Pass or fail.


One internal examiner. External examiner is used periodically.