MEST4520 Research Theory and Method 2 Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Vitenskapsteori og forskningsmetode 2
Study programme
Master of Aesthetic Practices in Society
5.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


This course is a continuation of Research Theory and Method 1 and has a particular focus on methods relevant to the aesthetic disciplines. The course emphasises the student analysing, assessing and using theoretical and practical elements in a research, art and/or design process. The course involves choosing the focus of the master's degree project and developing the research question, as well as starting the development of a research design, which is continued in the subject Project Development and Research Design in the third semester.

Recommended preliminary courses

The course MEST4510 or similar competence

Required preliminary courses


Learning outcomes


The student:

• has in-depth knowledge of a range of relevant theory of science perspectives in a limited aesthetic field

• can analyse and evaluate the theoretical and practical elements of the testing and research process

• has knowledge of and can take a critical approach to the use of different sources and ethical considerations in testing, creative practice and research processes


The student

• can independently apply select theory of science and knowledge of methodology that is relevant to a limited aesthetic field

• can assess and discuss research methodology choices in relation to the objective and research question

• can assess and apply various sources and research ethical norms relating to the research process

General competence

The student

• can work independently on developing a research question in combination with various relevant methods

• can apply and communicate their knowledge using research methodology argumentation

• can use knowledge and skills in the aesthetic fields to contribute to new ideas and innovation processes

Teaching and learning methods

Teaching methods vary between lectures and various student-active learning methods. Students must actively participate in teaching and group work in addition to the scheduled teaching sessions.  The master’s programme is based on individual study with participation in groups, lectures and thematic workshops. Emphasis is placed on both theoretical and practical work as forms of study. During the course, the student shall have a particular focus on working actively with a selection of research methods that may be relevant for their future master's thesis.

Course requirements

The following coursework is compulsory and must be approved before the student can take the exam:

· Minimum 80% attendance at compulsory teaching activities and seminars


Individual oral presentation of about 15 minutes of two different research methods seen in relation to a self-selected research question, with written reflection material. The exam grade cannot be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All aids are permitted.

Grading scale



To internal sensors. External sensor is used regularly.

Overlapping courses

The course has a 5-credit overlap with MEST4313.