MAEN5200 Energy design and building physics Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Energidesign og bygningsfysikk
Study programme
Master's Degree Programme in Energy and Environment in Buildings - part-time
Master's Degree Programme in Energy and Environment in Buildings
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2024
Course history


The course Energy design and building physics will give the students a comprehensive knowledge of analysis of building physics. The course has a special focus on the façade's impact on thermal comfort, daylight, energy demand and moisture.

Recommended preliminary courses

MAEN4100/MAEND4100 Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer

MAEN4200/MAEND4200 Energy use and indoor climate

MAEN4300/MAEND4300 Fluid dynamics and computational methods

Required preliminary courses

None other than admission requirements

Learning outcomes

After completing this course, the student has achieved the following learning outcomes, defined as knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student has in-depth knowledge of

- how to design a facade that provides good indoor climate and low energy consumption

- moisture and heat transport through the building envelope including windows, walls, ceilings and floor slabs

- elements of passive house design, on the topics of indoor climate and energy use

- the roles and processes of integrated building design

- the most important criteria and calculation methods for daylight design and energy efficient lighting

- airflow in buildings and how to achieve airtight buildings

- principles and challenges of heat recovery


The student is capable of

- performing calculations and analysing results for U- and g-values for windows, walls, ceilings and floor slabs

- performing calculations and analysing results for thermal comfort in case of solar radiation and low outdoor temperatures

- performing calculations and analysing results for thermal bridges

- performing calculations and analysing results for moisture transport through structures

- performing calculations and analysing results of daylight conditions in rooms and energy savings by daylight control

- designing buildings which meet criteria for good indoor climate and low energy demand

- designing and analysing ventilation and infiltration in conjunction with pressure conditions, and designing energy optimal solutions

- designing façades with optimal performance on thermal comfort, daylight, energy demand and cost-efficiency

General competence

The student is capable of

- analysing buildings and solving problems related to detailed design of building parts, considering thermal comfort, daylight, moisture and energy demand

- considering the extent and distribution of thermal bridges and proposing measures to avoid condensation and achieve good thermal comfort and low energy demand

- evaluating and choosing the right tool for the problem

- planning and performing an analysis of relevant building physics problems, and provide relevant advice for a client

Teaching and learning methods

Etter fullført emne har studenten følgende læringsutbytte definert i kunnskap, ferdigheter og generell kompetanse:


Studenten kan

  • redegjøre for grunnleggende bruksområder for kvalitative og kvantitative forskningsmetoder
  • redegjøre for intervjuer i kvalitativ psykologisk forskning
  • redegjøre for forskjellige kvalitative analysemetoder
  • redegjøre for sentrale begreper i datainnsamling
  • forklare valg av atferdsdimensjon
  • beskrive ulike kartleggingssystemer og anvendelsesområder
  • forklare nødvendigheten av å benytte eksperimentelle design
  • beskrive ulike N=1-designer


Studenten kan

  • redegjøre for forskjellige observasjonsmetoder i psykologi
  • regne ut enighet mellom observatører (IOA)
  • anvende vanlige registreringsmetoder
  • analysere innsamlede data og framstille disse i en graf

Generell kompetanse

Studenten kan

  • formidle fordeler og ulemper ved kvalitativ og kvantitativ datainnsamling og analyse
  • diskutere etiske problemstillinger knyttet til datainnsamling og observasjon

Course requirements

The following required coursework must be approved before a student can take the exam:

  • two project milestone Meetings


Portfolio exam:

The portfolio consist of Individual project of a folder consisting of 5-7 assignments, and presentation, collectively weighted 100%.

Assessment can be appealed, if the grade changes this will require a new presentation and possibility of oral questioning.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All aids permitted.

Grading scale

Graded scale A-F


Two internal examiners

Additional external examiners will be used with regular intervals.