MAEN4400 Automation in Building Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Study programme
Master's Degree Programme in Energy and Environment in Buildings - part-time
Master's Degree Programme in Energy and Environment in Buildings
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


Required preliminary courses

None except the admission requirements of the study programme.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course, the student has the following learning outcomes, as defined in knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student has knowledge about

  • control principles and methods
  • algorithm and operation of relevant control functions including PID controller (PID = proportional+integral+derivative), on/off controller, MPC controller (MPC = model-predictive control)
  • principles of relevant automation hardware
  • bus systems and central operating control systems
  • relevant sensors and actuators
  • alternative control systems for heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting.
  • mathematical modeling and simulation of ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems with regard to control


The student can

  • apply scientific methods for solving problems in control and building automation
  • consider indoor climate, energy use and operating costs related to automation systems integrated in buildings
  • choose the right methods for control and regulation of heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting systems
  • calculate the maximum capacity of the contracting bodies and find the curve shape of the characteristics
  • calculate and evaluate time constant for various components of control systems
  • draw and describe block diagram and Piping and Instrument Diagram (P&ID) for control systems
  • tune PID controllers for fast and stable control
  • perform stability analysis of control systems
  • analyze central operational control systems in operation and come up with the right measures to improve indoor climate functions and reduce energy consumption and operating costs

General competence

The student can

  • plan and execute projects that include management, regulation and building automation
  • contribute to innovation and be contributors in innovation processes
  • understand documentation about building automation system
  • is able to communicate with building automation professionals

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, exercises, lab work, project work, and self study.

Course requirements

5 work requirements, which are individual and/or group-based. All work requirements must be approved in order to be admitted to the exam.


Part 1 Individual written exam of three hours, which counts 70 percent.

Part 2 Project work in groups of three to five students and which counts 30 percent. Report, implementation, oral and visual presentation in group are considered. Possibility of individual grading.

Exam part 1) Exam results can be appealed. Exam part 2) Exam result cannot be appealed.

Both parts of the exam must be graded / E or better in order for students to pass the course.

In the event of a new and postponed individual written examination, oral examination forms may be used. If an oral examination is used for a new and postponed examination, this cannot be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

Exam part 1: No aids, but relevant information (formulas etc.) will be given in the exam paper. A hand held calculator that can't communicate can be used.

Exam Part 2: All.

Grading scale

Graded scale A-F


Part 1 An internal sensor.

Part 2 Two internal sensors.

External censorship is used regularly.