MAEN4100 Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Termodynamikk, varme og massetransport
Study programme
Master's Degree Programme in Energy and Environment in Buildings - part-time
Master's Degree Programme in Energy and Environment in Buildings
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2024
Course history


Many physical phenomena and processes in nature can be described in terms of thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer. The course shall provide a solid foundation to be able to model, analyse, and describe thermal processes in technical installations.

Required preliminary courses

No requirements above the admission requirements.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to achieve the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student has knowledge of

  • the significance of phase diagrams, with a particular focus on the phase diagram of water
  • ideal gas model conditions and different state equations
  • mass and energy balance - 1st law of thermodynamics
  • entropy, exergy and anergy - 2nd law of thermodynamics
  • the differences between reversible and irreversible processes
  • analysis of thermodynamic cycles for heat pumps, including refrigeration cycle and power cycle
  • relative and specific humidity, heating and humidification, cooling and dehumidification, Mollier diagram
  • heat conduction equation (3-dimensional, transient) with boundary and initial condition
  • external and internal forced convection, boundary layer, velocity and temperature profile. Empirical correlations will be used to calculate Nusselt's number
  • natural (free) convection and empirical correlations to calculate Nusselt's numbers
  • heat exchangers, analysis using logarithmic mean temperature difference and effectiveness- NTU method
  • simple radiation physics and thermal radiation between solid surfaces
  • principles for calculating mass transport by diffusion and convection with emphasis on moisture transfer


The student is capable of

  • analyzing thermodynamic properties using tables and state equation
  • analyzing thermodynamic processes using T-v T-s, P-h diagrams, entropy differences for irreversible and reversible processes
  • calculating exergy destruction for the various components of a given system in a given environment
  • calculating the performance of heat pump, Refrigeration cycle and selected power cycles
  • analyzing air-conditioning processes in using Mollier diagram
  • calculating heat conduction in solid elements, for example in walls (heat flow and temperature field)
  • calculating convective heat transfer between solid bodies and liquid for both forced and natural convection
  • calculating heat transfer between hot and cold liquids in heat exchangers
  • calculating heat exchange between solid surfaces by means of thermal radiation

General competence

The student is capable of

  • analyze the thermodynamic performance of systems related to heat pumps, refrigeration cycles and selected power cycles
  • critically select appropriate empirical correlations for the convective heat transfer coefficients for calculating the heat exchanger area
  • analyze calculated result
  • communicate with engineers and researchers in topics related to thermodynamics, heat and mass transport

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, supervision, computer exercises and assignments.

Physical attendence and participation during lectures is expected.

Course requirements

The following coursework is compulsory and must be approved before the student can submit the portfolio exam:

  • 2 approved laboratory work submissions, individually completed
  • 3 oral presentations held during lecture time, individually completed and related to three separate learning objectives
  • 2 approved feedback assignments related to the portfolio exam

The purpose of the coursework requirements is to encourage consistent efforts throughout the semester and help the students meet the skills and competence requirements.

Note that the obligatory activities require physical attendance during the scheduled labs and lecture times.


The assessment has two parts:

1) An individually-completed portfolio exam*, weighted 70%.

2) An individually-completed oral exam that is based on the submitted portfolio exam, weighted 30%.

Part 1) of the exam: The exam results can be appealed.

Part 2) of the exam: The exam results cannot be appealed.

*The portfolio exam consists of:

A. A set of self-produced assignments that covers the learning objectives of this course.

B. Detailed proposed solutions to the assignments in part A.

C. A reflection note of experience from the work with the assignments and the proposed solutions.

In the event of a resit or rescheduled exam, oral examination may be used instead. If oral exams are used for resit and rescheduled exams, the result cannot be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All material can be used to help the student design and write their portfolio exam, however sources should be cited where appropriate.

Grading scale

Graded scale A to F


One internal examiner. External examiners are used regularly.