BAPD3100 Critical reflection in design practice Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Kritisk refleksjon i designpraksis
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Product Design
20.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2019
Course history


In this course, the students will be given an opportunity to delve deeper into one or more areas of design. They will plan and carry out a design and development process, preferably with a focus on the users’ needs, wishes and requirements. Dialogue with the target groups and regular user presentations/tests will be an important part of the work.

Required preliminary courses

Knowledge equivalent to having passed the first, second and third semester, or equivalent.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence:


The student

  • is capable of carrying out a complex design process with a pertaining specialisation in the design discipline, from an international and sustainable perspective
  • has relevant expertise in a chosen design practice / area of specialisation. This includes tools and methods that are relevant to the chosen area of design.


The student is capable of:

  • carrying out critical evaluations of his/her own work
  • identifying and describing the relevance of a chosen design practice/specialisation
  • mastering digital and analogue tools, such as development, communication and presentation tools
  • demonstrating through an iterative design process how users, stakeholders and professional/resource environments can be involved
  • leading a discussion, through testing, visualisation and presentation of models/prototypes (physical or virtual), that provides and demonstrates insight into a chosen design practice


The student:

  • is perceived through the project work as a design student who possesses in-depth knowledge in a chosen area
  • is capable of communicating with the parties involved through relevant media and channels
  • is capable of building relevant networks
  • is capable of exchanging opinions and experience with different resource persons and professional environments
  • is capable of reflecting on his/her own development in the learning process
  • is capable of sharing own experience and knowledge with other students and taking part in discussions with the design discipline

Teaching and learning methods

Independent work, individually or in small groups.

Workshops, lectures, visits to enterprises and supervision linked to a chosen specialisation.

Course requirements

The following coursework is compulsory and must be approved before the student can take the exam:

  • Reflection on learning in the project
  • Approved project description (individual or in small groups)


Portfolio assessment subject to the following requirements:

  • Documentation of the process focusing on the following:

    • the project description
    • documentation of the design process
    • documentation of the solution

The medium and form depend on the chosen specialisation. Students will work individually or in small groups. Maximum scope: 5,000 words. All parts of the portfolio must be passed (grade E or better) in order to pass the exam in the course.

The exam result can be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment


Grading scale

A grading scale from A-F where A is the best grade and F is fail.


Two internal examiners. External examiners are used regularly.