Engage in the Student Democracy


Two students stand with their backs turned in hoodies with the inscription OsloMet and Student Representative. Behind them is a graffiti wall.

Engage in the Student Democracy

Do you want to help create a good study time and improve it even a little more for you and your fellow students?

At OsloMet there are many opportunities to influence the study day and the study time.

Student Representative for the class

A class Student Representative helps to find answers to questions or problems that individual students or the class may have. The Student Representative can raise issues with the academic community, is a contact person for the class, and also works for a good social environment.

As a Student Representative you get:

  • influence
  • larger social network
  • good overview of your study
  • useful experience that looks good on your CV

The Student Representatives at an institute gather in the student council, which takes up matters concerning everyone at the institute. At the level above, student councils meet in the student faculty council, which among other things cooperates with student associations, faculty management, and the Student Parliament.

The class Student Representative should be elected by September 1. Once you have been elected, it is important that you remember to register and sign up for the Student Representative conference.

Student Parliament

The Student Parliament is OsloMet's highest student political body. The job is to pursue the students' academic, financial and social interests and is the student voice towards management and the rectorate. You can participate in the Student Parliament even if you are not a Student Representative. The faculties also have other councils and duties, some of them paid. Are you curious about any of these positions? Join your faculty's general meeting:

  • Faculty of Health Sciences, August 28
  • Faculty of Teacher Education and International Studies, August 28
  • Faculty of Social Sciences, September 3
  • Faculty of Technology, Art and Design, date coming

Read more about student democracy and how you can engage (studentparlamentet.no).