Master's Degree Programme in Health Sciences - specialisation in Physiotherapy for the older adult - Student

Study Overview Public

Master's Degree Programme in Health Sciences - specialisation in Physiotherapy for the older adult Study information

Pilestredet, Oslo
Spring 2024
Welcome to OsloMet! Here you will find all you need to know about starting your studies.


This schedule only shows the preliminary schedule for the first study year - existing students may log in to view their schedule.

Schedule Portlet

The schedule for autumn 2024 will be published on June 1.

Course descriptions and curriculum

Kvalitative og kvantitative forskningsmetoder

Subject code MAVIT4060
Credits 10.0

Fysioterapi for eldre personer med redusert funksjon

Subject code MAELD4200
Credits 10.0

Program plan

Web Content Display

Denne siden vil bli oppdatert med det du trenger å vite før og under studiestart på ditt studium.

Studentweb Public studieside

Studyinfo Contact

Contact HV Pilestredet

Faculty of Health Sciences (HV)

Url :
Kontaktskjema for studenter

Information center HV

Phone :
67 23 59 75
Place/Address :
Pilestredet 32
Time/Opening Hours :
The information center is open on weekdays between 10.00-11.30 and 12.00-14.00.
Holidays and vacations:
The information center is closed during holidays